I'm about to watch this lads, is it any good?
Tyler Morgan
Jayden Miller
Is it weird to go by myself to see this in the theater?
Carter Garcia
They don't let single adult males in to see kids movies.
Bentley Torres
How? I haven't seen any rips yet
Tyler Evans
Who, exactly, is going to confront you about it?
I'll never understand the people who get insecure about seeing movies by themselves. There's no one with them to judge them. If anything going with someone is much more stressful.
Cameron Morris
I've seen it, it's about 40 minutes too long
Levi Bennett
Haven't seen it but it's probably the ugliest Pixar movie yet
Jeremiah Lewis
Better than JL
Samuel Wilson
The voice acting sucks
Jacob Sanchez
It looks like a Direct to DVD movie.