there's so much paid shilling for hey arnold its unreal
nostalgia cashgrab people are wise to it now
there's so much paid shilling for hey arnold its unreal
nostalgia cashgrab people are wise to it now
Ive been waiting for this for 10 years
>the original creators didn't want this, most didn't even participate
Shit reboot
Did they finally fug
>we want the soyboy millennial 20 something audience
>blonde girl doesn't get blacked
The joke about this meme is only normies use it.
That's the whole point of it. You're welcome, before you go on looking like a fool reposting it over and over again.
Arnold getting together with helga is forced. The real OTP is arnold and lila.
>Be 13
>Already developing yellow fever
>pissed a cartoon character had a crush on a black guy
pretty weird when I put it into text