Thoughts on ATLA?

Thoughts on ATLA?

Ty Lee best girl


I wish Mai and Ty-lee have had something to do during the finale. It would have been fun to see them be a part of the extended team avatar, if only for the last few episodes.
It would have been much preferable to the White Lotus action in Ba Sing Se anyway. Pakku, Jeong-Jeong and Bumi returning was forced as fuck.

How was a 14 year old THAT stacked?

They ate a lot of soy back then

>tfw no psychotic princess gf

Yeah Ty Lee had some real hangers for a kid's show. I'm talkin real huge bongalos

inb4 someone posts a webm of that one thicc 13 yr old

>not Mai

Nobody likes Mai, even Zuko doesn't really even like her