Recommend me films that are about making tough decisions
Recommend me films that are about making tough decisions
>nike over adidas
fuck off
You're missing Sneed on the blue pill side and Chuck on the red pill side.
You know film really is the only area Marvel is kicking DC's ass right now. Comics, video games, cartoons, and television seem to be where DC is doing great.
Adidas makes terrible shoes, only hipster numale /fa/ggots like them.
DC makes superior comics to Marvel, this isn't even up for debate.
Chips of all kinds are fucking disgusting, only degenerates eat processed junk.
There is literally no difference between PS and XBOX.
ps4 is better than xbox which is for normal fags when you think of xbox you think of normal fags when you think of play station you imagine kino video games fuck off kid
Not even once
Or you can take the superior green pill
>New Balance
>Dark Horse
>Ruffles Cheddar and Sour Cream
This, except I prefer sour cream and onion
New Balance is the redpill though
Adidas is kino. Nike is for blacks.
Wow you faggots really bastardized this cool concept from a movie made by these 2 trannies
This makes no fucking sense
I legit like EVERYTHING on the left side more than I like the right side.
Marvel > DC
Adidas > Nike
Lays >Cheetos
Playstation > Xbox
>Nike is the godess of victory
>Nike swoosh looks like a sickle, symbol of Chronos and castration
>my parents are poor starter pack
But that’s objectively not true. Wear an ultra boost and a roshe and tell me adidas isn’t better than nike
t. underage
I don't give a shit about shoes, DC is finished, and ps4 is superior to the xbone
That's because Microsoft's cancerous anti-used game policy was idiotic.
u haven't seen the niggers in the UK
The drm was reversed back in 2013 you mong
blue idgaf
>red pill
Nice try, merchant.
>I'm poor and stupid starter pack
That's why it says 2013 in the filename learn to read. The fact Miscrosoft tried to steal people's games is burned into many people's minds, they've learned not to fall for Microsoft's bullshit anymore.
>kino video games
I get what you're saying because everyone game on PS4 that isn't weebshit or Bloodborne is $60 Interactive movie, but come on, those are not even video games at this point.
marvel and DC not match the color
Adidas and nike are clothing brands. They make shit tons of different things you can wear. Why wouldnt you just buy that shirt you like regardless of which company made it?
Brand loyalty is stupid
dc comics > marvel comics
nike > adidas
xbox one > ps4 (bluetooth is shit)
>eating chips
nike will always be #1 in my heart because of pic related although the jerseys they make for the nba are fucking awful
>Brand loyalty is stupid
I prefer DC comics but think Marvel makes far superior films.
this but PC gaming
>adidas / nike
should be puma on the other side for obvious reasons.
>Ruffles Cheddar and Sour Cream
my nigga