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Death in Heaven edition
Thoughts on the episode?

last thead:

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It's hit or miss. has some good scenes, some bad ones.

Hell Bent and The Doctor Falls are better.

12 punching the tardis was kino though.

Worst Capaldi finale.

Doctor Who is dead.

RIP Sylvester McCoy. I hope the new guy does a good job at Big Finish (Pic Related)

it was an early prototype for characterkino finales

hb/tdf perfected it

Scaroth hasn't reported in for a while.

>reposting this shit
You're not funny. Fuck off.

He was deported out.

I'll agree with you on TDF, but Hell Bent has problems too. I love what it tries to say about the Doctor, but Moffat fucked the landing so hard.

what did you dislike about hell bent?

RIP user. I hope the new guy does a good job at /who/ (Pic Related)

An Adventure in Space and Time on the stream if you're still awake.

What's wrong with Hell Bent

inb4 >too much clala!! It didn't fit my expectations of 12 fist fighting Rasilon!!!

It completely fucks with Face the Raven. Clara should've humbled Capaldi and make him come to his senses instead of fucking off with Quasimodo. Instead, he received basically no repercussions for his actions. He's allowed to forget, removing any of his culpability.

I'm fine with everything up until the sunglasses bullshit basically. Although I wish Sumpter got a bit more to do.

He only forgets Clara. He still knows he went to Gallifrey to save someone.

But the point is that it's Clara, isn't it? Removing her from his memory reduces almost any impact his actions have on his own character.

>make him come to his senses
But she did.

>He's allowed to forget, removing any of his culpability.
That is a repercussion user. The Doctor would still have his memories of her if he didn't go out and save her.

He doesn't know that though? How can someone learn a lesson if they can't remember the most integral part of it?

Perhaps I need to give Hell Bent another watch, but the ending still didn't sit well with me on first watch.

woke: he NEVER forgot clara, he was just pretending for their own good


Hell Bent just suffered from following the incredible Heaven Sent. Apart from that the Doctor's plan to save Clara was way too much and he risked so much just to get this companion he hung around with for a few years back to life. Hell Bent isn't shit, but it's not good either.
Remember that this is the first time we see the Doctor return to Gallfrey after finding out he'd saved his home planet. But we get no emotional response, no nostalgia, no breathing room, and nothing like what Matt Smith said at the end of Day of the Doctor about his goal being to find his home.
We finally get a true Gallifrey episode and it's just Capaldi killing people in order to get Clara back.

Calling it a day, the marathon was nice but I'm exhausted, Also I have a radio show to present in literally an hour. You can tune in on Absolute Radio but I'll probably sound absolutely terrible.


Was Waris Hussein gay?

Was and is, yes.

Was Verity Lambert a lesbian?


Why do the comics almost always looks so ugly?

Good comic artists don't really see 'Titan Doctor Who' as a great gig.

Help me /who/, I was invited to a Thanksgiving potluck tomorrow and I have no idea what to bring. The following is already taken:

>mashed potatoes

I'm not much of a cook so I'm in quite a bind. I can't show up with nothing. Help me please!

Baked mac and cheese, squash, biscuits, salad, cornbread.

Cranberries are fairly easy. It's just them, sugar, and water.

Cranberries are also taken, I forgot that one sorry.

I don't know how to make any of those things except for biscuits, salad and cornbread, and I'm not going to be the schmuck who only shows up with biscuits, salad or cornbread.

You could roast some asparagus with some crushed toasted almonds. I brought that this year and it was a hit. All you need to do is trim them up, oil and salt, and make sure they don't burn.

Going to second baked mac and cheese, I'm sure you could pull up an easy recipe online user

I don't know how to MAKE that!


Here you go

That looks entirely too complicated to make.


>there are now 30 (thirty) days until the airing of Twice Upon a Time

I still remember when it was 100 days to go. It's gone by really fast for me.

Yah I know the feel. This whole year has flown by, I remember new years like it was last month. Does it just get faster from now?

Black dresses, yes. That was what the new Doctor wanted to wear to Borusa's ceremony.


I almost thought that was the "GOD HATES FAGS" sign those nutty Christians always bring.

>Let's take a looksie, shall we?
>I hate it when he says that
What? When did 10 ever say that?

You always hear people talking about some of the worst episodes, but what are some of the worst audios/books?

The Rapture, Nekromanteia, Totem, that sort of thing

What's who with you?

Has anyone ever liked Minuet in Hell?

The Pit, any book by John Peel, Warmonger, Big Bang Generation

Forgot about that. I think its underrated. Still awful, but not as bad as everyone makes it out to be.

i unironically really like it, its cheesy as fuck but its one of my favourites



What do you like about Gary Russell's writing, Neo? You're one of the only people I've seen who likes his works.

someone post a link to the new Shada

Make Malebolgia Great Again!

I don't think i've listened to enough yet to know a worst audio, but I really dislike Creed of the Kromo

So every mind that died since the whatever how long was copied in that computer grid. There this copy had to give up its free will and emotions to be then be transplanetd into cybermen.
Why not just copy one mind or make it 100% artificial?
Also this was one of the most fucked up things to happen to humanity if you think about it

You cheeky cunt

The Daleks' Master Plan is actually... good. I did not expect it to be.

But it's a widely acclaimed serial, user

The Eight Doctors is really bad.

War of the Daleks is terrible I'd agree but I think Legacy has some merit.

He's not someone who I just love inherently love the style of like I do with Shearman/Mortimore/etc but I do love a lot of his ideas and the way he ran BF and directed many of their best audios.
He's obsessed with continuity but not in the "just reference things a lot" way like a lot of very trad authors are a lot, but more in an actually doing something with the continuity, contorting it, reframing it, etc, more like Moff. I haven't read Spiral Scratch so I don't know if that goes for or against what I'm saying, but something like Zagreus is very appealing to me, I liked Neverland and the Gary Russell overtaking of Alan Barnes on the development of Zagreus was messy (for fun look how many lingering script issues there are with Gary basically just rejigging a concept Barnes had set up in Neverland, neverpeople and Divergents and whatnot. But anywho, I really like that style of being obsessed with DW continuity but being irreverent about it, it's in line with my own taste/mindset. I'm not some great big fan of him, me bashing his novelisation of the TVM would be in the archives somewhere. It's funny, the novelisation is full of him trying to bend the TVM back to being more traditional Who that makes sense in continuity, but his strongest work is when he kinda does the opposite and tries to push Who out of traditional territory and push it and break it. Although the novelisation did confront "why is the Doctor always a white man" head on (though admittedly in passing) which was more his sort of thing I like.
It's been like 10 years since I heard He Jests at Scars so I don't feel comfortable casting judgement on it. I'd need to relisten, and read Spiral Scratch, to really articulate proper thoughts on Gary

Yeah that one is truly awful imo. Sandwiched in between absolute kino though


Is it? I always assumed it was just a clusterfuck.

>liked Neverland and the Gary Russell overtaking of Alan Barnes on the development of Zagreus was messy (for fun look how many lingering script issues there are with Gary basically just rejigging a concept Barnes had set up in Neverland, neverpeople and Divergents and whatnot

I lost my train of thought here after those brackets and didn't finish what I was saying, I was gonna say I liked Neverland but it was much more of just a strong finale. It's like how I'm less impressed by great base under siege finales (S10 NewWho for example) than more structurally creative ones (S9) since base under siege is such a strong easy format to craft kino around. Doctor Who is so big and expansive and full of stories that I always like seeing stuff pushed more than just executed well. Zagreus pushed, it actively tried to not be an anniversary special the way we think of them. Not even going into the lore (zagreus spoiler I love Rassilon's racism becoming the justification for the BBC's shitty budget/why most aliens are humanoid, that's just fantastic, I love that sort of writing) or character stuff, just the idea of doing the big 40th anniversary as something so subversive and not easily pandering (like the Light at the End), that's music to my ears. I'm not saying Zagreus is brilliant or anything, there are some atrocious parts and very misjudged elements, but I admire and love a lot of it, and most of the parts I do are what I presume are the Gary elements. It's emblematic really of what happened to BF itself, Gary and the early main range pushed and prodded, Briggs and the later audios preened and pandered.

But Big Bang Generation has references to VNAs and Big Finish, it must be good

It really isn't. And I say this as a fan of the VNAs.

It completely misunderstands the advantages of getting Benny and Twelve together, and also, in trying to shoehorn in Benny's BF cast, manage to make them look like jerks.

>in trying to shoehorn in Benny's BF cast, manage to make them look like jerks



But thanksgiving is already over?

When Tom Baker dies it'll really feel like a significant part of Doctor Who history has died, William Hartnell to Tom Baker are really the "pioneer" Doctors in my eyes.

Bernice Summerfield's Big Finish audios have their own secondary cast. She has her own friends that help her on her adventures. They're all interesting.

However, the first thing we see them to do in the book is put a gun to the Twelfth Doctor's head. So not only does a NuWho reader get thrown into meeting a group of characters who he or she or whatever has no connection to, those characters come off as unlikeable off the bat. It's frankly astonishing how badly the introduction is botched, and it makes Benny and her cast come off worse than in her own books and audios.

Did Twelve punch anything in World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls? I feel like every Capaldi finale should have him punch something.
Death in Heaven - the TARDIS console
Heaven Sent - the wall
WEaT/TDF - ???

The new series of Torchwood monthlies look great, lots of Goss, and Gareth David-Lloyd himself has written a story. Such a great range.

This one should be interesting

Norton is a great character and the Andy/Norton dynamic is great fun

oh fuck yeah the return of Billis

Wasn't that impressed by him in S5 but I'm open to hopefully a more creative story

And you can't go wrong with a Gwen/Rhys story. Will be very refreshing following S5 I imagine (:

The penultimate story of this series hasn't had its cover released, weirdly. Maybe it's spoilery for S5 though I doubt it since they don't cross over that with the monthlies much.

Torchwood has a monthly series?

where have you been since September 2015

yeah... this is the fastest year of my life, and i've said that for each of the past few years. it's strange though - some events feel further away than others, even if they were more recent. starting a new job in may felt like ages ago, even when i was only 3 months into it my first day seemed so long ago. but looking back on the doctor falls and 13's announcement in july, and how long away christmas seemed... it's crazy how it's flown by.

Yup, so how it works is there are the monthly Torchwood audio "series"


Starting with S1 (The Conspiracy, Fall to Earth, Forgotten Lives, One Rule, Uncanny Valley, More Than This), then S2 (The Victorian Age, Zone 10, Ghost Mission, Moving Target, Broken, Made You Look), then S3 (Visiting Hours, The Dollhouse, Corpse Day, torchwood_cascade_cdrip.tor, The Office of Never Was, The Dying Room) and the S4 titles and covers were just announced today.

There's also "Aliens Among Us", sometimes called "Series/Season 5 (of the TV show, yes it's strangely named) since it's positioned as an official continuation from Miracle Day (even though some monthly releases are post Miracle Day too). RTD was involved in the development of that, they use some of his post-Miracle Day ideas and he helped conceive and develop some of the new characters.

There are also some Torchwood special releases. Before the Fall centred around pre S1-Ianto, Yvonne and Torchwood One. Machines will be another Yvonne-centric special release. There's Outbreak, a post-S2, pre S3 3-part story with Jack, Gwen and Ianto together. There's also the Torchwood annivesary special, The Torchwood Archive, a sprawling feature-length story jumping around all different characters and events related to Torchwood and its history.

Imo the monthlies are the best, Aliens Among Us is pretty good, the specials are pretty good too. The monthlies are pretty standalone, there's a loose arc around an organisation called "the Committee" but it's not super serialised and no big deal, although The Torchwood Archive will work best for you if you've heard all the preceding stories. The monthlies are mostly juts focused around one or two characters from the show.

Of the monthlies, I'd particularly recommend Fall to Earth, Ghost Mission, Broken, and Corpse Day.

>implying im gonna read all that shit

Uh, rude much

it'll feel like a significant part of british culture has died for sure. the first three doctors have been dead my entire life, so i've never actually known a classic doctor to die.

Don't worry, the show itself will die in a few weeks anyway.

Some families have their dinners on different days because of everyone's schedule, my family has two christmas dinners but that's mostly because one of the people I'm related to is universally shunned and hated by the rest of the family so they get their own christmas dinner, by themselves, with my grandmother since she's the only one who will talk/interact with them. The dinner we have has a family on Christmas doesn't include them.

Neo's effortposting is comfy

The Girl Who Died and The Woman Who Lived shouldn't be considered a two-parter desu

don't worry, i know they said peter capaldi is leaving but the show actually has this cool concept called regeneration. basically, when the lead actor leaves, the show has a way of continuing where the doctor changes into a new actor. the new one's called jodie whittaker and i think she'll be great.

fucking apologise to neo NOW

shes a fucking girl, the show is dead

I thought you said it was dying in a few weeks?

fuck off

he's a fucking dandy and a clown, the show is dead

not the same, the doctor has to be a man

>doctor has to be a man

show your working

hes always been a man, thats just who the character is, i dont try to make hermione a guy

>i dont try to make hermione a guy

dumbest fucking explanation I've heard

Hermione turned into a cat at one point, user.

he's not always been A man, he's been several men
william hartnell to matt smith is a huge difference too