What went wrong?

What went wrong?

For me it's gotta be just seeing a Clerks sequel in full color with a big budget and actual cinematography. That and Elias was kind of a dumb addition.

That scene where 1979 plays always gets to me

i wonder whether the LOTR monologue trigger anyone else when it happened? the puke at the end was just glorious.

Randall's LOTR rant would be weak b8 by Sup Forums standards

It was pretty weak then

It has its moments, but then it has scenes that aren't funny at all and just feel like filler(that random musical number) and cringey romance.

Clerks came from real life experiences. Kevin Smith knew what it was like to work at a convenience store. In fact, Kevin Smith worked at the very same store that he filmed Clerks at. There's honesty to the insights that he makes in that film.

Clerks 2, on the other hand, doesn't come from first-hand experiences. Kevin Smith doesn't know what it's like working in fast food at age 40 because he moved on. He can't relate to his own characters or their situation. As such, the film seems out-of-touch with reality and cartoonish. Whereas the first film gives you a real look at what life is like for some people, the second film is just an excuse to make a bunch of dumb jokes and pop culture references. This is why the sequel is such a bad movie.

I imagine that a lot of nub shits actually think this

>it's not like clerks 1 therefore its bad

It's almost like Smith is just a hack who got lucky

It is objectively bad though. The only good part is Rosario Dawson bouncing her titties around when she was teaching Dante to dance

>Kevin Smith doesn't know what it's like working in fast food at age 40 because he moved on

Maybe that's why the whole plot was about Dante moving on? The flipping burgers at 33 thing only comes up for that one scene with the rich internet fag, rest of the movie is about this bittersweet "last day before leaving" scenario and it captures the feeling very well. The nature of the workplace isn't really integral here, unlike in the first movie.


so, is it ok to go ass to mouth?


>implying elias wasn't a good addition
the pussy troll bit was one of the funniest moments

If you wanna get ass worms in your mouth, then sure.
You know how your ass itches at night when you're trying to sleep? Thats your ass worms literally laying thier eggs on the rim of your anus.
They can survive outside of your body for weeks.
Sleep tight, anons.

>living in a 3rd world country
>having an itchy ass
if you properly wipe and bath, you wont have this issue, user

>you know how you ass itches at night when you’re trying to sleep


It was dumb, lacked any of the originals charm. Just stupid potty humor and faux racism for shock chuckles

user you might want to see a doctor

The piece of shit starred two obvious non actors in a competent production surrounded by professionals and featuring pointless cameos from Kevin Smith's famous friends just for the sake of having celebrity cameos. To top it off the whole "moving on with life" thing was the point of his previous film Jersey Girl.

It's a sequel which should not have been made and the world is a better place for Jeff Anderson refusing to come back for a third one.

don't mind user, homosexuality isn't an illness anymore just move to the west

I don't how any of those facts make the movie a piece of shit.

One of the dumbest scenes in the movie. Its just a jerk off session in the script by Kevin Smith.

>and then the doofus VOMITS! I'm so smart heehee!

He made a few decent films. Well 4 or 5 back to back but he never moved on from that. JASBSB should've closed the book on the Viewaskuniverse which it painted itself as.

Instead Smith made one movie which failed went back and made Clerks 2 (which he'd claimed not to want to do as it was just continuing to live off his first success), then he tried copying Judd Apatow movies then the Coen Brothers and now he's making shit like Yoga Hosers.

i think it was totally fine. it lost a lot of the charm the first movie had but it was still funny and the characters didnt really change.

so like 7/10 or something

kevin smith spent the first 10 years of his career making fun of the kind of hack filmmakers he proved himself to be with Clerks 2

>You know how your ass itches at night when you're trying to sleep?
How much do you weigh?