With what level or irony, low standards, or low expectations am I supposed to enjoy this movie, or consider it good, or some kind of classic? If I paid full price for a movie ticket and saw this movie in theaters, I would be pretty pissed. In the same year, The Shawshank Redemption, Quiz Show, Pump Fiction, Forest Gump, The Mask, and The Lion King came out, so there was no shortage of good movies at the time. It looks like shit, the acting is shit, there's pretty much no story. If there's a level of dialogue that could possibly justify this film's status, it's not found here.
I'm not being contrarian. I'm not b8ing. I seriously want to hear someone defend this movie as "good." Think of all the movies that had talent, passion, stars, experience, and years put into to them, not to mention tens, if not hundreds of millions of dollars that somehow are worse than this movie in your opinion, and then tell me what the fuck I am supposed to see in it.
With what level or irony, low standards, or low expectations am I supposed to enjoy this movie, or consider it good...
That image is from Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. It came out in 2001.
>Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back.
Which one is that again? Kevin Smith's movies all kind of blur together in my head.
Correction. It’s from Clerks 2. It came out in 2006.
It's actually from the reboot, fat kevin smith CGI cost millions
it's a comedy asshole and so all that matters is did you laugh, if you are normal (but I doubt that based on your post) then you laughed your ass off
To save billions
Sleep it off, Kev
It was before reality TV. Movies with small stories about regular everyday slobs were not done to death. It was a fresh take. Add the characters and the dialogue and there you go.
It's just stupid stoner comedy that was funny when we were in high school.