Why is he such an underappreciated charachter?

Why is he such an underappreciated charachter?

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Cause he's too badass to handle

Liefeld stench.

Cause the wild man of Borneo.
Also his adventures may seem too much gritty for people tastes.

I always found it odd that he hasn't had a series in a while (especially one lasting more than thirty issues).
The guy's first series ran for 107 issues for fucks sake and shared a book with deadpool for 50 issues.

Because people think they're clever and cool for writing him off as edgy xtreme shit that should be left in the 90s or think he's some sort of Gary Stu due to ignorance.

He's arguably got the best set of morals and best goals and aspirations of any Marvel hero, is noble as shit and despite his convoluted and somewhat retarded backstory he's actually pretty interesting.

He lasted longer than his initial hook could support, convoluted backstory and setting, and has had some pretty bad designs over the years.

Someone ought to storytime Cable v1.

It starts off a little rocky but it gets god tier after a while.

Also I'm surprised there's not more public interest in him just for being super OP when he's got all his powers like there is for Franklin Richards and Legion. I know he's not on their level but he's done some impressive shit.

Like he just fucking rewrote this slav's DNA, man and turned him into a deformed Manbat thing. That's great.

>Cause the wild man of Borneo.

See you around

he's a terrible character
his backstory is a greater clusterfuck than the clone saga
he can't use his mutant power because he has techno aids
he has all these guns but never kills anything
he's just generic future man with bad taste in clothing

also time travel characters have basically ruined x-men, so the less of them the better