So how would you write the story of the DCEU Flash's movie, Sup Forums?

So how would you write the story of the DCEU Flash's movie, Sup Forums?

Would you just have Flash only facing the Rogues? Would you have Reverse Flash be the main antagonist and no one else?

Batman and joker tie in to draw the crowds

Thawne pisses in all of Barry's drinks.

Barry's dad actually did it.

Cold has superpowers because only virgins think a cold gun is cool.

Movie trilogy in this order
>Gorilla Grodd
While having the Rogues be temporary help in dealing with either sequel

Go away goyer, you made blade 3.

Bring in Goldface and Blacksmith. With governments scrambling to develop supertech and LexCorp getting fucked over by Lex's actions cutting edge tech is starting to make its way to powerful crime syndicates who use them to better facilitate their activities. The film itself is a techno crime drama as the disintegrating marriage of two mobsters slides in to a gang war and sees the proliferation of high technology and the rise of the supercriminal.

Awful silly ass fuck of a character that doesn't deserve a fucking movie.
Hopefully the Tv garbage gets canceled soon.

A Hawkman movie would be much more awesome, play up the Egyptian God legacy angle. Have Hawkman kickass while that redhead bitch of his stays home in the kitchen like she fucking deserves.

We need movies with real fucking men not faggot twinks who using the term "boy" for would be a insult to regular male children.

Fucking barafags.

>Projecting your masculinity insecurities this hard.

Barry would be characterized as a more experienced hero, and looked up to as someone who helped usher in a brighter era for Central City. He's been around for maybe five or so years now, and one of the first scenes would be him appearing at the opening of the Flash museum when the Rogues try to crash it. Iris and Wally would be there in order to establish Wally's admiration for the Flash, while simultaneously having disdain for Iris's boyfriend, Barry.

The story would combine elements of several stories, including Born to Run's origin of Wally, the original Return of Barry Allen's origin of Zoom, and Zoom's original appearance in Flash #139.

Zoom would however be portrayed as a lighter villain in this than he'd go on to be in later years, similar to Green Goblin in the first Spider-Man movie: a bit hammy, though still threatening. The climactic battle would involve Barry and Wally using the cosmic treadmill to send Zoom back to the future.

The movie would be mostly about Barry and Wally's relationship forming as he becomes Kid Flash, with Barry teaching Wally about what justice means and responsibility and all that jazz.

The sequel would be quite a bit darker as Zoom becomes more psychotic and bent on ruining Flash's life, would probably involve time-travel to a greater degree, and maybe even involve a future, adult version of Wally.

I don't really like doing things as trilogies, but I think this would work to build up nicely to the final film having Iris's murder at the hands of Zoom, Zoom's murder at the hands of Barry, and the subsequent trial that greatly strains Barry and Wally's relationship.

Well what option do you have but to start with the Rogues? Going from Reverse Flash or Grodd to the Rogues is a laughable step down to the eyes of normies.

It as /thread right here Flash and the Rogues fighting a gorilla invasion would be awesome

speedforce wouldn't be a thing

jesus fucking christ these new power rangers suits suck

>So how would you write the story of the DCEU Flash's movie, Sup Forums?
I wouldn't. I wouldn't go near that intellectual property with a 20-foot pole. You're begging for corporate interference, fanboy attacks and scrutiny, and, worse, PC culture demanding you change it to fit their narrative. There is no win in this case.

It's radioactive. I'd stay the hell away from it.

Make it about Bart but it's about Bart being in Young Justice.

It's a Young Justice movie.

you have the best taste

t. brown leather jacket fan

No, but seriously, why did they choose to go for the "literally held together by strings" look?

>"Dad, I promise you, I'll find the man who killed mom and I will prove your innocence."

>"No, Barry. If 20 years in Iron Heights have taught me anything, it is that the true prison, the one you can't escape from, is the one inside your mind. And I've been in prison every day I spent with your mother. I've hated her in secret since before you were born, Barry. Every day I left home, I thought about running and never looking back. I only didn't do it because I couldn't do that to you. But now you're an adult. Now you can walk on your own. Barry, the truth is I've never felt more free. I didn't kill your mother, but I sure am glad she is dead. And that's why I belong here. So my advice to you is... Let it go. Run away. And never look back."


Just two hours of Thawne saying "It was me Barry" explaining different things he has done to fuck with Barry

Remind me, who was the guy that forced the whole edgy origin for barry??

But sure, Snyder is the problem. Also reminder that Cyborg killed the flash movie, so it's a double thanks to jonhs

>And over there, where that tree you used to sit under was, IT WAS ME BARRY!
Eobard is probably one of the most unintentionally funny villains ever

Sounds like the New52 version.

God Ezra Miller has a fucking weird face.

>Denying Snyder is an edgelord

Keep deflecting Johnsfag.

But sure, it was Moore who forced Johns to kill Barry's mom


People bitch about Flash being OP for his rogues, but he has just enough to stretch over 3 movies. I'd do something like:

1. Abra Kadabra
2. The Rogues(plus Alchemy because fuck you I like him)
3. Thawne

Abra ties into how Flash gets his powers and even gives a hint for the coming of Thawne. Rogues allows for a bit of shift back into the modern world and shows audiences that while he may be OP 1 on 1, working as a team it is possible to challenge and even take him down.

The biggest temptation would be to pull a CW season 1 ploy and have a wellish character from the start be Thwane.

Each movie would have Flash put away a common criminal or two in fast manner and also give throwaway lines to the stark contrast in character of other heroes like Batman. Iris be in all 3 but not as an annoying cunt.

Also MM is now black and alchemy is Asian because diversity.

>how would you write the story of the DCEU Flash's movie, Sup Forums?

The he'll are you on? Johns has a track record of writing good stuff,unlike Zack "sucker punch" Snyder.

It's Wally and not Barry.

It's not hard, is it?

Flash writers have known about escalation for years. Waid knew it, Johns knew it, and even ManaBooch knew it.

Prof. Zoom.

Rogues - do Heat/Ocean's Eleven.
Grodd - Gorilla Warfare. DOTPOTA proved the Solovar/Grodd dynamic can work on screen.
Prof. Zoom - No idea, I'd like a mix of Chain Lightning with something more traditional.

>First movie
>Barry's mother dies from a yellow blur
>You get to see Barry's morals and see him get his powers
>The rogues become a thing and he fights them and beats them
>2nd movie
>Wally west is introduced
>Fights Grodd
>Barry becomes a serious character
>third movie
>Things are going nuts and Wally gets his powers too
>Prof Zoom hands Barry his ass over and over but barely makes it through with Wally's help
>Crisis on infinite earths cross over movie has Barry die
>4th movie is about Wally and him trying to fill in Barry's shoes

It's going to be terrible since they are going to force Cyborg into the movie for some reason.

Barry's suit is sabotaged and destroyed by Thawne while fighting rogues. Now he can get a suit that doesn't suck cock.

kek man are you alright?

Man's capable of going from being incredibly attractive to looking like Tommy Wiseau after a 3 day bender.

So you are still denying the edge in that user post isn't really product of Johns stupidity. Also Johns hasn't done anything decent since his aquaman run, and anything actually good since sinestro corps

Start off with the Rogues or just skip to Wally since Barry has nothing really interesting about him.

Or just scrap the DCEU and expand the Kaiju Cinematic Universe instead. Rodan movie when?