What did the stars say, David?

>What did the stars say, David?

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You know these comic adaptions really bring out a lot of actors for a lot roles...but I never thought I'd see the day where Aubrey Plaza was Shadow King.

Aubrey is really confusing my dick

And Walter is just plain confusing. What purpose does he even serve?

"You're on a shitty masturbatory television show...show...show"

Want to go see the rabbits?

To weird you out

"stop writing events"

Guess that means we should make more events!

Sincerely, Marvel

So great


>that look of fear when he grabs her

So good. Just as good as David's little performance when getting his sister back

Yep, and we need Patrick Stewart to show up sometime


Spoilers if you somehow don't know who David Haller's father is

So is this Mojo or what?

Nah, it's Shadow King.

Why would it be Mojo?

I was really hoping we could finally get him.
I want to see Mojo World on screen again!

Shameful taste if you don't enjoy Legion, go watch something with more splosions I guess

ravioli ravioli give me the formioli

>Aubrey Plaza will never NTR your girlfriend

>>The reason Aubrey's character claims to have no interest in David and only likes girls is because Farouk is a fat heterosexual arab dude

Does marvel own the rights to Fantomex? I want him to show up and shoot the shadow king before he and david have a huge drug-fueled psychic party in Vegas because

As soon as this thing was introduced in the pilot, did anyone else guess correctly that it was going to be Shadow King?

Not in the pilot, no. By the second episode I was onto it, simply because I was looking for comic connections and the shoe fit.

As the show goes on, it's really the only connection I'm seeing too, unless they drop a twist soon.