Sooo I was listening to the Pizza Party Podcast today and they were saying that Steven Universe has become a filler...

Sooo I was listening to the Pizza Party Podcast today and they were saying that Steven Universe has become a filler episode series. SU apparently has suffered the same fate as Adventure Time. Thoughts?

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Western cartoons with overarching plots to progress down are the exception, not the rule. "Filler" therefore makes more sense in the context of anime, particularly anime that are adaptations of manga.

If you use the term "filler" in the context of cartoons then you probably don't know what you are talking about.


You cunts.

The show was primarily episodic from day one.

Dude fuck you, you can't apply a limit to how many threads a show can have. Especially when Avatar has 5 at any given time.

Can't have filler. It just can't. It's not an adaptation.

how completely expected
i guet more surprised when i see the water i heat for my tea boil

Yeah, but Avatar is a good show.

so its filler we dont want to call filler because shows with half the budget that get one season maybe two are miles better?
goes to show what nucartoon network has become only steven universe and teen titans go remain

Yes, anytime the towns people are involved it usually a BAD episode. Show has potential but it should stick to what its good at or get better.

>this entire post

Don't joke.
The General is a thinly disguised containment thread for all the degenerates who would rather ramble on for hours about their waifu love, instead of discussing the show.

As for the OP. You're a faggot.

>listening to the Pizza Party Podcast

I love how Pan always try to be self deprecating for the lulz and then all of a sudden a commenter says his jokes aren't funny and he goes all autistic going trying to defend himself and shitting on a random youtube commenter.

Pan is a unironic cuck.

Go to sleep, Mr. Enter. Forever.

Go to sleep, Izzy. Forever.

By whatever logic these clowns use, then most american cartoons are "just filler". So even if Steven Universe was failing by their arbitrary standards, it's existence would be the exception, not the rule.

This shitshow can't hit that final episode fast enough.

This is what happens when you try to make a story plot driven cartoon.
If something doesn't push the plot forward, it's considered filler, especially when we get townie episodes, which aren't very good to begin with and now even the townie episodes don't push the plot forward anymore

Remember when they used to townies as a way to help steven learn his ability to invade other people's dreams and even body swap?

Well we aren't getting those anymore

Hes a faggot but i dont think you know what cuck means desu

You need to have a girlfriend in order to be a cuck.

Remember when SU was just coming out, and people were consistently saying "it's not supposed to be a comedy, and its not supposed to be an action show! It's supposed to be SoL!". People made those statements in response to others saying "the comedy is shit. " or "the action is floaty garbage. "

Well when even the SoL elements are so predictable and nothing they stop resembling life, then what am i supposed to praise this show for?

>self deprecating
I like when people try to make up for their insecurity a with this kid of shit
Hell I laugh when teen Titans go does it
So there you have it teen Titans go made me laugh a couple times, Steven universe didnt

The show was garbage from the very beginning.

Here is my definition of filler
Filler is an episode made cheap where nothing meaningful happens that's there to have something in screen between arks
So in Steven universe each time an episode doesn't feature pearl, garnet or amathyst and it doesn't make up for it by using the money they didn't pay the voice actress in some other cool thing like having really cool animation or some other popular VA you can assume it's filled with a 97% accuracy

Funny thing nobody considers season one filler even tho most of the episodesarsnt story plot driven
Maybe it's just a complaint about quality
I don't care if you have something relevant to out on screen as long as you have something cool

the thing about steven universe is that the idea behind the structure isnt a bad one
if you plan the show as a regular cartoon but we condense most of the action, drama and cool plot heavy elements that are expensive into these 4-6 epsidoe segments and n between we have a regular cartoon then thats a thing that could work, hell im even behind only showing the gems when there is something cool for them to do
su fucks up in application tho because the townies arent funny or cool orinteresting and the writers cant write for shit so it feels like there are maybe 4 episodes worth watching every seasons
i mean even those action packed episodes arent great but thats something at least
it truly feels like watching a cheap anime, i often skip episodes like onion gang and sadies song i watched maybe a minute or two and stopped

It's because there's no plot. Steven Universe has no plot, but it hid that fact under the guise of having a deep lore. And now that we know most of it, why there was a war, where the Gem come from and more or less how Homeworld works, there's nothing but the wacky adventures of a 14 year old kid and aliens. And lately instead of having actions it's been just talking and misunderstandings.

Cartoons can have no plot and still be action cartoons. Compare it to PPG, an action cartoon with no plot, but The PPG are purely episodic with no continuity.

If Steven Universe wants it's continuity so much, they it should have a plot that moves the story forward that expands the lore, instead of them just sitting around and sucking their thumbs.

For example, right now they know BD takes humans to her zoo. What about trying to sabotage that? Or the fact that YD implying he wants to get rid of Earth (Wouldn't it be grand to get rid of it all)? Why don't they do anything with that?

I meant more in the way of why people watch the Podcast. the second Jim leaves the podcast quickly becomes boring.

I dont know, being on the internet since 2005, you see that sort of shit everywhere. it gets to the point where it gets old fast.

> listening to the Pizza Party Podcast

Yeah I agree with them. I've started noticing how these newer episodes really don't have a purpose and It's pissing me off. That last episode after Steven comes back to earth had a predictable lesson. Which sucks because I thought it could be utilized so that we see more of a connection between Connie, Lapis and Peridot. But it was shit. Complete SHIT.

Season 1 of SU is by far my favorite, because I like Steven's personality back then. Before he became overly sensitive. Also back when his voice didn't make my ears bleed. That was another thing that started to bother me, how the tone of his voice changed. It's too whiny now.

Not OP but I personally listen to it only to hear more from Pan. I don't give a shit about anyone else on there desu.

>listening for Pan
>not for Jim

What's so great about Jim? Sure he seems cool, but not enough to peak my interest.

>same fate as Adventure Time
But Adventure Time has always been episodic, and the podcast never even mentioned that show.

>not posting a link to the podcast

>Being on the internet since 2005
Try 2002
And it's not funny when it's a good looking douchebag making a stupid life-myself-my dreams webcomic
I only like it when it's honest and not whinny



The first series is good but most of the avatar threads are lok threads, was a medicore series at best

filler can be used to describe any plot driven show that airs unrelated episodes that have no significance to the main story not just anime little guy

They just had a major plot arc four episodes ago, and in the latest ep they lost the spaceship AND now the Ruby squad will be reporting back to the Diamonds about Steven and co. But still people say "OMG IT'S ALL FILLER!"

At this point, there could be an SU episode where the Temple is blown up, Greg dies, Pearl turns out to be evil, Steven marries Yellow Diamond, and Lars turns out to have been Rose all along, and the fandom would still call it filler.

>mfw izzy says that she knows what the ronaldo/bloodstone shit was because she is now a minority and then proceeds to explain it to a mexican and faggot

I need a new podcast to listen to once I'm all caught up on the Amazing Colossal Podcast.


To say nothing in defense of the quality of recent SU episodes, you have to be pretty retarded to see the pattern of filler-arc-filler-arc that SU has been doing since Season 1 ended.

You know filler doesn't just exist in your Japanese animus right? It also means scenes that pad out a movie that don't add anything to the plot. In this case it's episodes that pad out a season that are useless plot wise.

I don't think people understand what Filler fucking means. "Filler" is when an adaptation spends a season doing banal bullshit because the source material hasn't produced enough content yet.

Original works can't have filler. Episodic episodes of SU don't exist to pad out the series. They're the fucking meat and guts of the show; the episodes that exist to actually show who these characters are, what they do, how they interact, etc., etc., The "DEEPEST LORE" episodes are the aberrations, which exist to move shake up the setting and add new dynamics when the slice-of-life episodes start running stale

He's not even that good, he has some really stupid opinions on how DC shouldn't have adapted the killing joke because it's offensive nowadays.
It's just that he doesn't live on the autistic spectrum like the other members so people like him better.

Who? Are you talking about Jim?

That guest is really annoying. Comes off as really smarmy.

the term "filler" has evolved to fit a western context

>Living in constant fear that the fucking sperg is going to jump on Star Vs.

Filler means padding. Padded content. Like if during the original Ghost in the Shell the Major just went to a fucking Burger King and ate a fucking meal there while not talking to anyone. Just five minutes of The Major ordering a Burger and eating it.

I can see where you're coming from but I do like CR's work, if you haven given it a watch, give it a try;

>filler episodes
That's not what filler means at all.

What? His early S1 voice was much whinier.

A few people have jumped to Star. Which is odd because I thought that didn't have a story.

>listening to Pizza Party
>to find out shit for SU
2 fuck ups you did

Filler is something that fills the gap in something more substantial. It can be episodes that don't exist because the source material takes longer to produce than the animated material. It can be filling the air-time with random footage of people being stupid because the Rube Goldberg you built for the Sci-Fi channel took two months to make and only lasts for 30 seconds. It can be episodes with phenomenally lazy writing in which neither character development nor plot-related things happen because the network ordered 26 episodes, but you only feel like making 15.

You might as well say "it's impossible for cake to have filler because it's all source material."

gues be careful pan's ego is fragile
>being so ass hurt about someone making fun of him that he copy and pasted every autistic comment they made on his videos.

The most recent episode is generally being praised because it WASN'T filler. Rubies got their ship back, we got some Lapis character development, etc. It's the episodes before it (ever since the Zoo arc ended) that are being considered as filler.

The New Crystal Gems: Connie finally meets Peridot/Lapis and Greg gets a new sign. That's it. They don't even use the opportunity to have Connie connect with the B-Team, they just fuck around for 10 minutes and come to a sudden understanding.

Storm in the Room: Despite this being a good opportunity to see more about the Steven-Rose connection, literally nothing happens because of the rules of the Room. They could've at least made up something about Rose leaving some of her memories in the Room for Steven to find, instead we learn nothing and just get an "emotional" scene where the characters just reiterate what we already know.

Rocknaldo: What even was this episode? Ronaldo wants to be a CG, becomes a CG, acts like a huge piece of shit for 5 minutes until Steven tells him off, and then the episode ends. We don't learn anything, there's zero character development, I'm honestly upset this episode exists.

Tiger Philanthropist: An entire episode created to wrap up the wrestling storyline that consists of a whole two episodes. Like Lars said, it was the "sequel that no one asked for." They could've resolved this "plot"-line in ten seconds by having Amethyst/Steven make an offhand remark about how they don't wrestle anymore, but no we need a whole episode about it.

It's just getting annoying because it's so tedious. I like episodes to progress the characters and the plot, not just be 11 minutes of flashing lights and sounds that I could skip entirely, and sadly that's all we're getting.

It does.

First half of the first season is pretty episodic but actually does have some lore stuff that comes back later. It's just that it won't really seem like "lore" if you think it has no plot at the time.

Second half of first season does have a plot and then that continues all across the second season.

Though Star has "filler" episodes too. There's just an incorrect reputation that it has no plot that's unfortunately stuck around from the days when there was literally one episode.

Can't say they're wrong

Doesn't mean Steven Universe has not had episodes that were a waste of time or underwhelming.

I like Pan but really? I don't get why he doesn't just ignore them?

Here's the problem.

Steven Universe's first two seasons used townie episodes to set up later dramatic reveals very well, subtly expanding the town and characters while being funny and sweet.

These days, we've HAD the reveal, we're either expecting more setup, which can't be done as subtly because we know what to look for, or payoff, which the show isn't as good at doing-it tends to resolve its conflicts fairly quickly or let them linger weirdly.

This last batch of episodes especially had the appearence of progression of the characters, setting or story, but didn't give us much of anything, and more importantly weren't all that funny. Even Ronaldo's role as an accidental oracle was usurped so he could play the outright heel for Lauren Zuke's feelings.

SU's suffering from a lack of firm direction, just like AT did. Sugar needs to get her boarders in line and realize that after her first reveal, her audience expects different shit and she needs to compensate.

They're right. More often than not the episodes are just the characters dicking around. It's rare we get an episode with some kind of progression for either the story or the emotional state of the characters.

Room for Ruby was good, but the preceeding few episodes were total bullshit.

Didn't Sugar work on the later episodes of Adventure Time? I think focus and pacing might not be her strengths in story-telling.

Most likely due to him not knowing how to chill.

That guy who was shit posting wasnt even say anything aside from "the joke you made sucked" and honestly Pan reacting so butthurt to this is making himself look like an idiot.

If you ignored all of the time-wasting content in SU, you'd only have less than half of the series

yeah, I love pan but seeing him in that kind of lighting is a little bit cringy. Which is strange because apparently every other thing that he does online is deemed cringy by others. I'm just tolerant of what he says and does I guess. Either that or I might be a bit naive. Who knows?

Ok despite this, I still love the guy for who he is. I can't complain.

No, I was talking about the comments he gets, now about SU? Eh, I just watch whatever I'm in the mood for but I usually slide towards the Gem related episodes.

like ffs, look at this hot garbage.

This show is like one big pussy. Just waiting to get fucked.

oh, oh shit.....that's...I don't know what to make of that shit.

Well, despite that being extremely distasteful I still like his comics. But now I wish he would grow a pair..

When really, they shouldn't have adapted Killing Joke because it's terrible.

>tfw pan blocked me for saying his dumb joke sucked

How long ago was this? Do you think he would be more accepting towards criticism now?

This was like a week ago, I usually shitpost in his video comments section since its fun and sometimes you actually get a smart conv back, but apperently me saying his off scirpt jokes suck got him really triggered.

For the next few days there were always comment notifcations coming from the video and Pan popped into the completely unrelated comments section and even copy and pasted all the shitposting things I said here Like I always thought he was cringy and regardless of that he made some alright stuff but jesus if he's going to act like such a baby over me saying 'your nazi joked sucks, ask Sup Forums to teach you some' then fuck me.

Well, i'm sorry to hear that happened.
I thought he would be able to handle this kind of stuff but I guess not. But what I don't get is, how is he able to take verbal abuse from his tsundere friend yet, can't take a comment like this??

Wow this whole thing just opened my eyes to a whole new level of "what the fuck do I see in this guy?"

I say people would don't mind the SoL episode if there we're good, but most of the time are unfunny snorefest

It's ok user we all have those moments

lol dont apologise, there are enough wannabe pan pizza people on youtube who can keep me informed with cartoon stuff.

Tbh. His content he makes is pretty good when he stays on topic but like a majoraty of Sup Forums agree on the fact that he himself is pretty cringy. He has always had a thin line of irony about that fact but in his podcasts and this stupid butthurt over such a dumb comment clearly shows he has an ego.

What said but add to it the fact that these gaps can be crazy long sometimes. We have had an upwards of true filler for as many as 10 episodes to get somewhere between one and four episodes of world building of any kind just to shot back to a long drag of filler.
I don't care which it wants to be I just wish it stuck with one far more constantly.

because monster of the week episode > townies episode

>New Crystal Gems
It was a wind down, and something a lot of faggots really wanted to see: connie interacting with the barn crew
>Storm in the Room
Closure (or at least some development) in the process of Steven accepting Rose wasn't all sunshine and rainbows.
Yeah, that was really just filler. Bad filler too, considering how much Ronaldo sucks.
>Tiger Philanthropist
It wasn't meant to end the wrestling storyline, it was to end the Steven and Amethyst storyline.
Smokey was their climax, this was their closure, through a symbolic means that also finished a hanging plot thread. I think it was actually supposed to come earlier too, which would explain why it was so far removed from the Smokey stuff.

tl;dr pan is a cuck

Filler is thrown around a lot by fans because the show has been spinning its wheels for fucking ages. With the cluster on ice the show desperately needs another source of dramatic tension

Why didn't Lapis fucking grab the ship to stop it from leaving?
Why didn't Garnet foresee the betrayal?
Why didn't Garnet seem concerned about the Ruby escaping Earth with her ship?
Why the fuck was everyone so moronic in this episode?

Everybody's an idiot that doesn't do the logical thing in this show.

I don't understand why people hate townie episodes so much. Most of the human characters are pretty developed and likable.

More importantly, they put into perspective what's at stake when shit finally does hit the fan, and the town is in danger. It's not a bunch of nameless faceless caricatures, it's the fries family, the pizza sisters, Sadie and Lars.

It's what separates Beach City from fucking Townsville or something.

They aren't written well, and are most of the time boring and inconsequential to the story, making them quite disrupting.

I think they've just hit a slow point, but honestly they could've done a lot more, especially focus on the new characters like Peridot and Lapis more. I don't mind Townie episodes, but they're really not necessary to the show anymore.

Townsville has interesting and colorful characters wandering around, Beach City is just too 'normal' compared to the more interesting gem stuff.

>implying water could stop a starship that can bend reality
>Garnet did see the betrayal. Using the fact she brought two balloons with her, she also saw a future where Navy didn't backstab them. She's been proven wrong by Steven many times, so she left it to him.
>Because why does it matter? This show needs plot progression, and it's not like they were going to use it any way. Peridot turned it into a fucking morp
>because it's a cartoon?

Like I said here CR actually does some interesting work
>but I will agree, no need for Gov. stuff.

>implying water could stop a starship that can bend reality
Literally already happened at the end of Barnmates

Townsville and plenty of named citizens. It just happens to be a much larger city so they can't give all of the hundreds of thousands of people living there unique names like tiny little beach city.

And if I'm watching PPG, it's because I want to see the PPG doing PPG things. I don't want to wait all week for an episode only to find out the entire thing is about Mitch exploring his sexual identity and coming out as trans with no fights or action or even any villain showing up. Nor would that make the fights feel any more interesting after finally showing up after weeks of nothing.

Is there actually any other good podcasts that goes/went into depth about Steven Universe?

There's no other decent animation podcast in general

Hmm, unfortunate.

>This is professional animation
My professor would have crucified me for something so lazy, christ