Has a symbiote ever found an animal host?
Has a symbiote ever found an animal host?
In old man logan one takes over a t rex
Yeah, read comics, senpai. They aren't ideal hosts though so it's usually only temporary.
Dude that pic is freaking me the fuck out.
One part of Hybrid was bonded to a dog. In Carnage USA, Carnage expanded the symbiote's biomass enough that he could insert it into an entire town's population's bodies to control them. He also did this to the exotic animals owned by one of the residents. I don't know if that really counts, though, because it was more like he was using them all as marionettes.
Deadpool vs Carnage.
You see it, too?
I'm glad I'm not the only one.
Maybe because animals don't think and just act in instinct so they are harder to control
I'll follow you to the ends of the earth!