X-23 Storytime #16

Continuing with Target X Issue 3, in which Laura lays eyes on the sexiest man alive.

Previous threads: desuarchive.org/co/search/subject/X-23 Storytime


All of this retconned torture sure is making Sarah look worse and worse...


>wedding band

You sure this guy's old enough to be married?




What did the dude look like in there, user?











>can you believe how different Megan has been?
I still want to see the fallout from the car theft.




Issue 4, in which two star-crossed lovers meet for the first time.







Im having trouble accessing the link for the archive


Same. I don't think there's anything wrong with the link. Desuarchive might be down?


Who is this very handsome lady?

Not only handsome, but very skilled!

and brave!

and so compassionate!

with such a gentle touch!







A real mother to her men!



And that is that for today! Will be concluding Target X next time!



kinda looks like Laura's outfit from All New X-Men

fuck, that wolverine is good looking

Was this released simultaneously to Morrisons run? I thought Laura was a newer character.


This book came out in 2009, although Laura herself has been around since around 2003.





Laura is not for sexual!

She is for product placement