Is Sup Forums excited?
Is Sup Forums excited?
I am, but I have no idea what for.
What be this?
>allred on kirby with drug addict way
I'm glad to see allred on something that I'm interested in again
I'm looking forward to a multiverse story.
Allred family is interesting, and Young Animal hasn't disappointed yet. Should be pretty good.
I'm excited
I feel like people treat 4th world stuff like it's this untouchable monument, and I'm glad someone is interacting with it. It's amazing stuff, but I feel like Kirby wouldn't have wanted it to be so sacred.
>tfw Infinity Man and the Forever People was just so bland
Really wanted that book to be good and succeed.
I wish Didio wasn't the guardian of the Kirby corner. Not that there's anything wrong with him as an editor but his writing isn't high enough caliber imo.
Yeah, it was pretty dry.
Which is a shame since OMAC was really good fun, and that was playing around with Fourth World stuff.
The Futures End issue was fantastic, and at least they saved Granny Goodness and the Furies.
I'm okay with Didio and Giffen taking that position.
While they aren't the best writers...I believe that the two of them together do understand what makes it work.
I just heard about this. Looks pretty cool.
I remember as a kid thinking that this guy was much more important to the New Gods than he actually was.
Wonder if this Bug mini does well if it could lead to more Fourth World stuff being released through Young Animal?
They do but unfortunately Giffen is past his prime and Didio has always struck me as pretty safe. I wish people took more risks with the characters. I feel like Allred will do something original with it.
I doubt it will do well in sales but maybe it will do well enough critically to warrant some new stuff
I wouldn't be adverse to that.
Like, fuck, I want Didio/Giffen to do Lightray/Orion team up book.
Or anyone who can work with the Fourth World to do so.
He definitely got more play after the original saga.
Haha, I can't deny that.
It's true.
They are pretty safe, but that's not bad.
And I can't think of anyone DC has right now that can make it work.
And Kamadi Challenge gives me hope that maybe the two of them are feeding in some of their leftover ideas into it.
I agree I mean the hard-scifi or psych scifi writers are lacking in general right now outside of Ewing but he's Marvel.
I do love Kamandi Challenge. It's really fun as a concept.
It's a tricky combination because hard or psych fully isn't the way to go.
Psych, there's aspects for sure, but you need that mixed with action-adventure, and with grandiose mythological bent.
And that's just a balance Kirby wavered with at points...but the most memorable moments in the saga are when he hit the mark.
I'm interested.
Sounds neat, have they announced any more new series?
The current books are barely selling as it is, so no
Worst book still does 1.5 times what Vertigo sells
i am !