Even when I watched this as a kid I knew it was Aku.
This episode made me lose a lot of respect for Jack.
Even when I watched this as a kid I knew it was Aku.
This episode made me lose a lot of respect for Jack.
been rewatching the show so I can check on the new season. the one with aku telling stories is pretty painful for me to watch
>Southern lady appears
>She's wearing green
>Instantly sperg out and scream AKU
I could believe that it might've just been easier from the audience's POV to realize she was probably/obviously Aku, but he should have at least began to connect the dots at the end where she started flying around, changing size and that bullshit. Especially after they were both deemed "unworthy" of the gem.
Give the guy a fucking break. After such a long painful journey a badass waifu at your side is something you just can't refuse.
Oh, so you're just gonna assume ALL green-skinned shapeshifting masters of darkness are Aku, then? Bigot.
>love scene between Jack and Ikra
>They spend the last few minutes of the episode enjoying the after afterglow
>"Oh Jack, I need to tell you something?"
>"What is it?"
>Ikra begins to shapeshift
>One day in a distand land
>I, aku the shapeshifting master of seduction
>unleashed an unspeakable evil amount of cum