On the next episode of Samurai Jack

Promo: youtube.com/watch?v=92vZi_rVbds

Can we talk about how hype this episode is?

>updated intro sequence
>aku scene about him being depressed (we will get to know greg baldwin's voice work)
>jack going nuclear

Other urls found in this thread:


>updated intro sequence
>aku scene about him being depressed (we will get to know greg baldwin's voice work)
>jack going nuclear


>updated intro sequence
Genndy said that there's going to be an updated intro sequence but I don't really know what did he mean by that, so yeah
>aku scene about him being depressed (we will get to know greg baldwin's voice work)
Some people saw first three episode already and can confirm that
>jack going nuclear
He is going to kill at least one person, also basically what promo shows

>"...Just nuts and bolts."

Oh man.

>Just a robot

So he's basically giving himself a reasn not to have a breakdown?

Is it WACHA or WATCH OUT? What does WACHA even mean? Is

watch out, user.

Jack even encountered robot civilians.
One of which were devastated by the Ultra Bots
IIRC he even teamed up with robots before in the IDW comics

Reminder that the "...Just nuts and bolts." monologue was Jack telling himself that the daughters of aku he killed were actually robots to help himself sleep at night