BATMAN Unlikely To Begin Production Until 2018; Ben Affleck Announces Rehab For Alcohol Addiction

Well, that's unfortunate.

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You kidding? This is a blessing. I don't know if I could take another sub-30% movie.

>BvS was so bad it made him an alcoholic

>a southie likes to drink a bit

Those fucking mouseshills are at it-

>reads article

What a world we live in.

If I was Ben Affleck I'd be an alcoholic too.

We all know the DCEU will be dead by Justice League, christ it drove Ben to alcoholism. Which to be fair, he should have known better what kind of commitment he signed up for. Once you take a superhero role, thats the only thing moviegoers want from you

But he's been a superhero before this and it didn't do this to him.

That was before superhero films became extremely big.

Not saying that they weren't big before, but now, it's gotten a bit excessive.

Is this a new term?