What alien species could beat the diamond authority of homeworld
What alien species could beat the diamond authority of homeworld
Jonathan Thomas
Brayden Ward
Homeworld vs. Goa'uld?
Thomas Brooks
Caleb Lewis
I'd say at best they're Borg tier and probably a good deal bellow that.
But we don't really have a lot to go on.
Brayden Rodriguez
Julian Edwards
If only the show bothered showing the true might of the Gem Empire... but instead we get to see some of the creators soapboxing. But alright, 40k xenos would demolish them.
Ethan Phillips
Basically any of them given that a human child and a couple of minor gem rebels were able to infiltrate a secure base right when two of their three supreme leaders were there making a visit at the same time.
Eli Evans
Tyler King
I want to be a fuckhead and say Time Lords.
But I'm going to be a cheeky git and say Daleks instead.
Joseph Fisher