With these upgrades you never stood a chance

With these upgrades you never stood a chance.


No joke, this looks better than Justice League Cyborg.

A megaman cyborg would sefinitely be better tgan a transformers cyborg

Oh fuck off with that bullshit

no you fuck off you sad pathetic DCshill

It'll never be good enough for you.
You haven't even seen one clears scene of cyborg and you have already made up your mind.


While I like the idea of the clearly inhuman look they were going for with the robot bits, I think that it ultimately makes him look spindly. Asymmetry and slightly off joint placement would have been better. Plus they aligned the headpiece with his hair instead of a scalp which doesn't work.

homie looks like that edgy Bomberman for the xbox fat

He looks like a pimped street rod Borg.

I've said it once and I'll say it again, I want McFarlane to draw a Cyborg. Just once to see what he'd do.

There have been several clear pictures of Cyborg and he looks awful. You don't need to watch the movie to tell that he looks like a shitty Bayformer.

>early promo pictures define the whole product

There's a big difference between still photos and moving action. Not to mention changes in development. Even early flashes costume was put together hastily with wires holding it in place. They improved it. think you just hate transformers and are projecting that to cyborg. He's not transformers.

This is 10/10 something. I don't know what it is, but whatever it is it's 10/10.

The old-school looking face and fro. The fact that its texture looks like it's held together with aluminum foil, and yet is study enough to do action poses. The way the foot looks like it was made from an inflated Warhamer 40k piece.

>There's a big difference between still photos and moving action.
You honestly think those thin knees will look better in motion?
You think it won't look even more like an incomprehensible mess?

Someone tell Anakin he needs to put the plates on already.


That Robot Chicken figure made from action figures and clay was left out and grew some sort of mold.

See >think you just hate transformers and are projecting that to cyborg. He's not transformers.
If you can't tell that they're trying to go for the same "realistic", "all parts accounted for," exposed aesthetic, you're blind.

If I had to hazard a guess, I'd say it'd look very similar to Injustice Cyborg.

If you're obsessing at predevelopment promo photos and not realizing that shit changes you'll never enjoy anything. Btw even if they keep the knees they look good they way they are with emphisis of him being very robotic. And appear very strong for thoes cinematic highjumps cyborg is known for in comics.

And yes when shits in movement rather than still photos it changes dramaticly. If you showed me a pic of original robocop i'd think its cheap, but in action the acting makes it look phenomenal

Bullshit? You mean harsh truth son. Open your fucking eyes and look at that mess in Justice League.