This is objectively correct

This is objectively correct

Flip the chart.

Batfags are as normie as normie gets. Superman is "too perfect" for them.

Way to prove OPs point, superfaggot.

Should have put superguy one step up so it wasn't so obvious who you're going after.
Still solid bait.
and entirely correct

lol this guy

Why is Peridot even on this chart? SUfags ruin everything.

Why are some batfags so obnoxious lately here? This is at least the second batfag thread today.

Batman is the best member of the league though by far. The constant wanking of him by DCAU doesnt diminish that


I came here to post that I have no idea what 3 is supposed to be, but realizing that it's probably supposed to be worse version of Aquaman's belt-buckle thing I regret caring.