
>I can think of a number of reasons why certain parties might find Duane valuable but her theory isn't a bad one.

So was it because he ate that one dude that night?

Fuck yeah, Sette.


I think so, the Khert opened up to swallow the dead guy's memories but remained open because of Duane presumably.

Pretty sure. I wonder if you could squeeze through at dawn and dusk when Duane's soul enters/exits, but getting back out would become an issue.

It's pretty touching to see Sette stand up for Duane a bit in the second and last panels there. We've come a long way from Chapter 1.


Funny how Sette actually comes off as intelligent and badass and cunning when she finally stops trying to be.

"He's just a blathery bloke got hit with a zombie stick" may be the greatest character description I have ever heard.