Ennis going full jet fuel can't melt steel beams

>Ennis going full jet fuel can't melt steel beams


>Ennis goes fully "the people at the top aren't actually aware that most of what they're doing is just meant to cause suffering for those below."

irish were communists

>aren't aware

mutually exclusive

I do not see how your comment is related to that page

3rd panel

I'm still not seeing it

Doesn't directly relate to OP's "steel beams" comment but the character is implying that it was American agents who flew the planes into the World Trade Center

>but the character is implying that it was American agents who flew the planes into the World Trade Center
No it fucking doesn't, that is why there is no connection between what OP is saying and what the page he posted.

They're not talking about 9/11. Read the comic. As part of a cover for Frank getting a lethal experimental virus out of a russian missile silo, the CIA activates a sleeper agent who's been undercover as a terrorist trainer in an Al-Qaeda like organization. Said agent sends a bunch of terrorists to hijack a plane en route to Moscow and go crash it so that the russians think Frank's attack is part of it, and not an unsanctioned American op.

Ah ok. I'll leave it to OP to explain themself next time, i didn't know the context

Holy Crap, Judge user? It's been ages sense you last posted here.

And that guy was implying that Ennis was implying that that was the case with 9/11.

Well that guy is reaching

That guy was wrong, because they're not talking about 9/11. And a US general, after Nick Fury presses them for info about the attack, explicitly says that "After 9/11, we got the idea to secretly fund and train our own group of arab terrorists." After 9/11. Pic related. It's what happens literally on the next page.
At no point does Ennis even remotely imply that 9/11 was orchestrated by the CIA.

Got the next page? I forgot what Nick did after beating the general with a belt

or how he was able to get away with it

He got away with it on the grounds of being Nick fucking Fury, and the generals having revealed that they straight-up built their own Al-Qaeda to aim and fire at other countries at will.
That said, the generals did later go after Castle himself in Valley Forge, Valley Forge.

>That said, the generals did later go after Castle himself in Valley Forge, Valley Forge.
Yes I remember that story, I also remember hating how it ended because not even Frank Castle can get away with killing 4 US generals no matter how many strings Fury pulls.

I believe all 4 were retired.

Even retired generals can hold a lot of power and influence, and even if they where retired they where still generals. So by all accounts there should be a massive manhunt for out to get Frank

How does Judge Hershey in tight black leather figure into this?

Pretty sure it was eight.

>They were part of a child trafficking cabal

There, done.

Even worse
Are you sure that they aren't confusing them with the slavers?

I am just saying that Fury could easily handwave their deaths.

>So by all accounts there should be a massive manhunt for out to get Frank

Wall Street loves him. He's the Great Gentrificator after all.

But the private prison industry hates him, he removes their source of income.

>They bombed whole countries flat, then built McDonalds restaurants in the places that were left
Other than Japan, has this ever actually happened? Usually places that America bombs either already had McDonalds or are/become shitholes where building McDonalds is either not worth it or impossible.


Indeed, but it was relevant. Eight generals, seven in the magazine, one in the chamber.

Frank can kill and kill and kill and they'll never run out of ingrates with three counts of shoplifting against them.

He might be able to handwave their death, but again we are talking about 8 generals here and how much can he handwave before giving out how much he was involved with?
So how then does he kill 8 retired generals and does not have a constant manhunt on him
He keeps that up and they will change it to one count

Ennis' Fury is the fucking best.

To be fair they rapped themselves in so much conspiracy bullshit that there really was no way to connect castle to any of it

Remember there was also that other, much smarter general that ended up being on Frank's side. He probably could have covered up some of Frank's connection

Did they like pizza as well?

Frank doesnt't target drug consumers and petty thiefs, who would be the usual three-strike material they rely on. He mainly targets people who found some way of making a living in and having some level of organization in the ghetto.

A general or a solider?
But he does target the dealers, who supplies the consumers. The dealers also goes to prison, but if the consumers don't get their fix then they might turn violent and go to prison.

>how much can he handwave
This is MAX Fury we're talking about. Have you read his two MAX books and Peacemaker? Fury has all the weight to push around in the MAXverse.

>Have you read his two MAX books and Peacemaker
I have not but I get the felling that the more we continue on this topic the less sense his outburst seen here
will make

Ennis should name the Jew.

There wasn't a McDonalds in Vietnam until 2014, after this comic was published and 30 years after the bombing stopped, not a very good example.

He was right tho

Ennis is plagued by the typical fossil leftard idea of le honorabru Soviet communism. He loves sucking the Soviet dick and how they defeated the Nazis never even mentioning how they took a big shit over the entire Eastern Europe and a part of Asia at the same time. Now, I'm not some communism is worse than nazism poster, but the amount of the USSR dicksucking by Ennis is just embarassing when every single one of his stories is about some shadowy cabal of evil American capitalists that just brutalize countries for profit.

For that reason I prefer when he sticks to making dick jokes about superheroes because he is at least somewhat consistent at that, if overshadowed by Millar. When he starts his military wank, you can either get My War Gone By, or fucking 303.

When non-americans speak about 9/11 I gain an understanding of how a black guy must feel when white people explain black issues.

It was a I think he was either a general or a colonel. The other generals brought him in thinking they could control him and make him take down Frank, but he realised they were dirty

>Ennis is plagued by the typical fossil leftard idea of le honorabru Soviet communism. He loves sucking the Soviet dick
Do you have a single piece of evidence to back this up?

His body of work?

Yeah I'm not exactly seeing how a Russian general throwing a baby off a cliff and killing massive amount of civilians is "le honorabru Soviet communism"

So again do you have a single piece of evidence to back your claim?

Because in the end he is still shown as a man of honor and principles and given a honorable death compared to le slimy murican deepstater that just profits from conflict.

Because every time you see an ex-Soviet in a more serious Ennis' book you know the incoming wank how terrible it is the bestest system failed and not because people were tired of being treated like shit for too long, a quote he used in several books when describing the horrors of Western (mostly American) imperialism, but because da ebil capitalists made blood money profit and did you know btw that Soviets fucking REKT the nazis

He can sell this shit to morons and expats he's drinking with, thinking he's getting some unique peek into the Russian soul, but he knows jackshit about the realities of the USSR even if he's familiar with dying because no potatoes.

I'm not seeing any visual evidence, where is your evidence user? Where is it?
>Because in the end he is still shown as a man of honor and principles and given a honorable death compared to le slimy murican deepstater that just profits from conflict.
Principle yes honour no

And honourable death? He gets shoot in the head, like everyone else that Frank deals with.

Reply to user's second paragraph faggot


OK, what _are_ the first and second wars to kill white people?

I've read a lot of Ennis shit but I never detected a particularly erect boner for communism

I mean, he has a fascination with the shit the Soviet army went through because of course he does he's attracted to suffering and bloodshed the way that Slott is attracted to smarmy fat knowitalls, but I don't recall him ever depicting that the Communist system is any grand shakes whereas he's constantly going on about how great America is in general and New York is in particular

He might not be a TRUE BELIEVER, CAPITALISM #1, BROWN PEOPLE GET FUCKED, THE JEWS DID THE HOLOCAUST ON THEMSELVES AS A FALSE FLAG psycho because he acknowledges all the nasty shit America has done, but he depicts the country as the very epitome of "It's not all bad"

As opposed to say, Ireland, which he seems to have a suuuuper low opinion of

>As opposed to say, Ireland, which he seems to have a suuuuper low opinion of
Of course a damn Northern traitor would

Why? Americans don't deserve respect and I am glad generals of the greatest terrorist state on Earth die.

Don't forget, they also sicced Rawlins on him in Up is Down and Black is White. And also Barracuda in Long Cold Dark

Well OP just proved himself to be the "jet fuel can't melt steel beams" guy instead of Ennis.

Well remember that it was Ennis' last Punisher story and if you ignore every non-Ennis Punisher MAX story, and consider Punisher The End canon, then there's really no problem there.

If anything he has this bizarre disdain for military officers, Frank being the exception, and anyone who wasn't combat infantry.

>there are people who unironically believe that Ennis is a hack
When did this meme fire up?

If you start reading a lot of his war stuff it gets really repetitive, much like Ellis' independent work, or Morrison's cape books. Plus Punisher MAX is carried heavily by the art, plotwise it's a very serious 80s b-movie