New JL8

Something is abut to happen



Is he seriously pulling a manga Truck-kun, moment here? What the fuck is he thinking?
And with no lead up for the car in the previous panels? Amateur hour.

How the fuck is that car flying at them like that?

Have you never seen a car crash?

never seen a car crashing at 50mph, on a 4 lane highway, a rural residential neighborhood... with a subway system?

I've never seen a car crash where a car goes flying ass over end without ANY damage whatsoever and, judging from Lois, without any noise whatsoever. How the fuck does that car hit that altitude with that angle without the windows being shattered, or the front-end smashed to scrap metal?

Did someone throw a parked car from across town? Because that's possible given the setting and is the only way I can imagine this happening.

The next scene will show his super strength and speed, but if she was a real investigator she would have noticed that he moved that manhole cover with just his foot.

I saw that once, driving down the highway then suddenly two lanes over a car lands on all four tires facing traffic. They must have hit the road divider hard and popped over.

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