Can we have a thread about christian comics?

Can we have a thread about christian comics?




So abortion expedites the trip to heaven for unwanted kids? I'm sold. You rape 'em, we scrape 'em.

Does this mean that communism guaretees people go to heaven?
And that Jesus is ok with abortion
And that only blind crazy people can see jesus?

I've already seen the thread for these on whatever other board it was (probably Sup Forums), and this is the only one that's objectively correct.
There's a fuckload of deaths every time a revolution happens.


I like the angel who's concerned and vaguely upset at lots of people getting to enter the eternal kingdom of heaven

So where's the Mac version?





That Jesus is looking a tad sinister

Damn it, now I want Burger King.

More than anything, these are just really, really unfunny.

He just want to be preachy instead of funny



I'm only in here because I'm waiting for one that I made an edit of in the last thread


That's fucking metal.

>another communist revolution
>the same communist revolution that will shortly demolish all synagogues, mosques and churches

maybe the heaven didnt get the memo, but commies arent too fond of religion

Propaganda isn't supposed to be funny

That's the point of the strip. You are literally too dumb for this awful Jesus comic, how the fuck does that feel dumbass?

oh i got it backwards, i imagine those people died fighting FOR communism, not against it, ok, huehueman got something right

Jesus seems like a fucking pedo in most of these.

Okay, please post one, instead of some exploitative propaganda comic that only serves to create stealth Sup Forums threads.

I'll start, but with an Sup Forums example. I know Serenity is another, more Sup Forums example.


This seems exploitable.

>fuck I thought a gate was supposed to keep these fuckers out.

This one?

Ha this is one is good.

Does Cerebus count?

I don't get it.

Now this one is pure fuckin' genius.

>blood splatter from a slap



Is it my imagination or is it weird that the artist would bother drawing each individual male in the crowd during that sequence but you never see the actual mother whose baby just got killed, she's just a faceless voice in the crowd that's presented as whiny and needy.


>Not one mention of It Hurts yet.

Absolutely disgusting.

>people have recommended me to read this edgy shit as if it was a masterpiece

Well, he really hated women

Leaves the expression she's making in that scene to the imagination, makes the scene more of a gut punch.

It is. He went fucking looney and started publishing anti-women manifestos in lieu of the actual comic, but the bits where he's actually drawing something are beautiful, even the really early, really rough stuff.

There is this retarded brazilian e-celeb called "PC Siqueira" that the author have a beef with

It's hilarious if you see it as invonluntary satire..

Please no meat touching ma'am.


Given Sim's attention to detail in his art, there's no way that's an accident.

It's edgy shit AND a masterpiece. But you don't have to like it, admire it or even read it. It's all good.

>and doing absolutely nothing to help.

If any of you still believe in evolution, prepare to have your minds changed.







someone post the rebuttal before this retarded comic confuses another kid.


The only funny one.

I wouldn't say that. The faces are pretty funny.

Please do not peddle evolution. This is a Jack Chick forum.


Ash vs Classic Monsters had some catholic themes through Frankenstein's monster.


Pretty sure getting an abortion when you're 8 months pregnant is just inducing labour.


That's what he'd do, alright




Are you translating his shitty works or are you him? I know he's an attwhore enough to do this.


I'm translating, his thinking must be shared with the whole world

Are you talking to me? Jack Chick died last year at 92 years old. But he lives on in our hearts.

...says the guy who believes an ancient book is true because the ancient book says it's true...


The second frame in this image makes me laugh every time.



Man, Chick is so much better at this than the rest of the no-talent hacks in this thread. I mean, they're all fucking bonkers, but Jack actually puts effort into being bonkers.



>Gluons are a made-up dream. No one has seen or even measured them... they don't exist! It's a desperate theory to explain away truth!
This is too on-the-nose. There is no way he didn't do this on purpose.

What's wrong with his eyes?

I want to purchase some tracts but I feel morally iffy about giving money to aid the legacy of a man whose ideas I don't respect. Then again I suppose I'm distributing it as Chick intended aren't I?

The final informational page. Let that be a lesson to you!
Many many more are available for free at

I'm sure there're scans of nearly all of them.

He is strabic

guy probably really likes this chocolate



>Jesus just sits by and watches the most vulnerable live in squalor and misery and does nothing about it.

I don't get this one, christian believes that disney is harming children?

It's because that gay kiss in Star Vs


If I was stuck permanently ahegaoing, I might hate God too.

I actually found this one at the bottom of a shopping cart one day. Caught me off guard to see the genuine article after hearing so much about it in articles and online.

And the rebut.

It's a little less nutty than some of his more infamous ones. I can see why someone might think this one might be a good one to pass out over say, the one where he implies Catholics worship Satan.

wouldn't normally following a path made of blood be a bad idea?
I mean just think how many horror movie characters have fallen for it