Garfield Thread?

Garfield Thread?

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Have you thanked the great visionary today yet, Sup Forums?

>tfw a generally decent comic strip has been irreparably diminished to internet memes

Jon just wants to live a quiet life.






Was he in the right?

Yet Garfield's constant nonsense keeps him perpetually a hair's breadth away from experiencing a sheer heart attack.

I wonder what kind of comic Jim Davis could make if he really put his heart into it

It would probably still be Garfield. It's just that he has an antiquated/innocent sense of humor. That is, he's not an miserably cynical individual like 90% of the planet.

he was just misguise

>It's just that he has an antiquated/innocent sense of humor.
Are you sure? What is known of Davis's character?


He seems to me like a goofy, upbeat kind of guy. Even at the end of Lasagna Cat's sex survey video, where they use sound bytes from interviews, Jim describes himself as someone who looks forward to Mondays and loves waking up early, and is generally positive.
And if this video is anything to go by
He comes across as someone who just likes to have some harmless fun.

my fucking sides



I honestly think the pipe strip is funny.

The cat is smoking a pipe!

The "Garfield realizes he's alone" one or the "Jon Arbuckle gets tired of Garfield's shit" one.

Which one is the second one?

I think it's this one.

I can tell by the pixels that this is a shoop.

Everyone knows this was the superior garfield comic.


>a Garfield comic wherein Jon threatens to rape Garfield to death and calls him a motherfucker
>"this is a shoop"
You needed the pixels to tell you that?

Nah, I just felt since we're in a Garfield thread, I should deliver a Garfield joke.

At what point has Garfield ever said "Jon, this is obviously shopped"?