>If you know this place well you can probably smell it. I've been here.
>“Vastoki was Prince Kassardi’s first wive, and the youngest. She wore only one ring and kept her fingernails expertly trimmed. Her dress was a short cut, her vela plain and good for traveling, and she wore eye glasses. Her teeth were filed to points, and she kept sparrow feathers tucked behind her ear. She was a master marksmen with the long rifle, with which she had trained her whole life, so that on her wedding day she could swiftly assassinate her rivals. By the time it had reached her wedding day she had hunted five men in practice and was thirsty for blood.
>It was for this reason she was the first to set out in search when the prince was found missing.”
>– Tales of the Silver Prince
Angel Hernandez
Wyatt Martinez
Ian White
I'm glad we're getting another long-form story, it feels like it's been a while. Pretty keen to see where the Silver Prince story goes.
Connor Hall
>You will never have a lewd anime figure of Gogagog to hotglue
William Johnson
what the fuck is princess smirking like that for
Benjamin Garcia
>picture of grandpa thingy >soda cans and hot plates alongside ancient magic stuff >Gog-Agog anime figure >YIS statue It's the little things.
Ayden Brooks
I visited a friend of mine in NYC a year or two back and the one day he had off we spent walking around Chinatown and eating. On one street I got a nosefull of the worst odor I have ever smelled. I have been to multiple sewage treatment plants (boy scouts/awesome science teacher shut up), been to several paper mills, and dissected the same cat for 4 months in college and THIS ODOR fucking DESTROYED the competition. Then we ate some of the best food I've ever shoved in my craw. God, do I know that smell.
Owen Price
She knows Allison isn't going to enjoy this next bit even though she asked for it.