Since no one is going to do it. Prepare for the most crazy journey across the Multiverse, and the epic final battle of this great crossover.
He-Man/Thundercats #6 Storytime:
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Bumping, I've been waiting for this
HOLY SHIT! If Skelly and Mumm-Ra are badass, then Mumm-ator is a freaking beast!
And the crazy chase across the Multiverse begins!
Unfortunately for Mumm-ator He-Man is his own beast too.
Haha that's so awesome. He-Man was a better Clark Kent in two panels, than Snyder's one has been in two movies.
> They remind me of He-O..only half as handsome. Ha
Wow, He-Man is stubbing Mumm-ator.
Dammit I wanted to see He-O
This page was so emotional and great, with Lion-O returning on Thundera, watching his father Claudus, before the planet's destruction.
...and the chase continues...
So where's Lex Letor?!
The adventures of Lois&Adam
...leading back to Grayskull, where the Sorceress is pissed and finally unleashed. Beware because the final EPIC battle is coming!
And Freddie Williams deliver one of the most epic battle artwork pieces!
> Most Powerful Man in the longer.. and his faithful sidekick He-Cat.
Haha. Skeletor and Mumm-Ra even as Mumm-ator, continue to be the highlight!
And now it's coming the final act of the epic battle...
always nice to see that Katana's got their back.
By the Power of NERDGASM!!! Nuff said!
The artist needs an award
I loved what Adam said to Lion-O. Great speech, and strong message.
This would have been a great animated movie to end both shows.
It would be up there with the DCAU Batman/Superman movie as one of the best crossovers of all time.
Such a sweet moment between Battle Cat and Snarf.
Cheetara almost revealed at Teela, her destiny as the future Sorceress, before Duncan interfered, lol.
And no more secret identity for Adam. Finally.
Great departure scene between the heroes of the two worlds.
And here comes the end. A great one for an awesome crossover mini series!
By the Power of Grayskull...Thundercats Ho!!!
And that' it for the He-Man/Thundercats!
>Snarf kicking someone in the shin.
Even snarf gets to be useful. This is a great series.
Haha indeed. This is Panthor. Skeletor's feline companion.
And the adventures of Mer-Man&Mera, lol.
I like how the sorceress is watching in the background as cheetara is about to spoil teelas destiney it's a nice touch
So Mumm-Ra is still alive but what about Skeletor is he Kill?
Mumm-Ra is alive, and Skeletor too. They have been separated and banished, God knows who? But Skelly cannot be killed. He-Man knows better then anyone else.
Damn i always forget that Lion-O is actually only 12 years old. And Adam a teenager, for that matter.
>These dimensional crossovers are tough on my jaw...
Nice 4th wall breaking He-Man! And very clever "tough on my jaw" reference, to He-Man's very first crossover with Superman.
So Lion-O is only twelve but with the body of a buff man and He-Man is 19 with the body the strongest man in the universe
Pretty much this.
Damn that was fun.
So the narrator was Mumm-Ra this time. Well it makes sense and it was expected, considering that he was the only major player that he hasn't been a narrator yet! Overall great issue, with strong and fun story and amazing artwork! This was one of the best crossovers yet.
Awesome. Fucking Awesome. My idea of a sequel would be GIJoe/Transformers vs. He-Man/Thundercats
Hey!, if they make a second part of this crossover, they could use this. I liked Amalgamverse!
Kind like the one from the DC/Marvel fusion during the 90's.
Wait, so is Cheetarah shotacon for Lion-O?
This was too 1990's for an 1980's based crossover.
Thank you for storytiming one of the best and most metal crossover comics of all times OP.
Hope we can get more comics like this in the future.
You are welcome. This crossover was a blast from the beginning to the end!
Well depends. Remind that Cheeteela is a fusion of Cheetara and Teela. Teela was definitely in love with Adam and him with her. In fact they got married at the end. So this could be be the attarction by Teela's part.
Cheetara on the other hand, she did have an attaction towards Lion-O, but in the stories that came out in 2002, by Wildstorm had her paired with Panthro, and the 2011's reboot with Tygra. Basically Cheetara slept with every adult male of the team except Lion-O.
This was such a great scene. Lion-O, was like "it's not that your actual disguise was any better Adam".
The ultimate 80's crossover!
I kinda remember he smitted Mandora and some sort of amazon queen in the original cartoon, but I'm not sure.
I wonder which number Multiverse He-Man and Thundercats co-exist in.
You mean Willa and the Warrior Maidens?They have been the Thundercats's allies,but i don't recall to have anything romantic with Lion-O. Then there was that 2011's plot that he was going to involved with WilyKit, but it was too absurd as an idea.
It can be dozens. Also Grayskull's Crystal Orb as was shown in this issue, it has the power to create new realities.
I have just spotted Ma-Mutt!
And he had his ass kicked by Battle Cat! Battle Cat's reaction is hilarious. "Please", lol.
The good thing about Adam is that he is not an arrogant asshole, that believes he knows everything, like many other heroes do. In this case here, even if Lion-O is younger and they first met just recently, he listen to him and trusted him enough to follow his plan.
>You were talking to her, weren't you?
>Note to self: talking to an invisible person makes you look crazy.
I laughed so hard at Lion-O's line, when he realized the telepathic connection between He-Man and the Sorceress. And what makes the situation even funnier, is that Lion-O, tis doing the same thing with Jaga.
One of the greatest ending in all of he-man related comics. He man eternity also had a ''metal'' ending.
Agreed. These two He-Man series have been a blast!
Don't worry. Skelly and Mumm-Ra are always up to something.
What an absolutely fantastic art is this??!!!
Metal and badass as fuck!
Please tell me that this series will get a sequel. This can't be the end.
Also could someone please storytime the entire series?
holy crap
this was amazing
I don't think I've ever felt this much joy reading a comic before. This whole miniseries has been a fucking treasure.
Wow, the usually calm Sorceress, had enough with Skeletor's and Mumm-Ra's shit.
Teela and Cheetara deserve their own mini series.
He-Man - Thundercats 01 (of 06) (2016) (3 covers) (digital) (Minutemen-Midas)
He-Man - Thundercats 02 (of 06) (2017) (digital) (Minutemen-Midas)
He-Man-Thundercats 03 (of 06) (2017) (digital) (Minutemen-Midas)
He-Man - Thundercats 04 (of 06) (2017) (digital) (Minutemen-Midas)
He-Man - Thundercats 05 (of 06) (2017) (digital) (Minutemen-Midas)
He-Man - Thundercats 06 (of 06) (2017) (digital) (Minutemen-Midas)
Thank you very much! It's even a bigger blast to read this crossover all together!
>waiting for the Tpb with behind the scenes art
I came so hard that the force of my ejaculation made a hole in my wall. MOTHER OF GOD.
Bump so more people get to see it.
One more bump because y'all motherfuckers need this in your life.
is greater than want
Since this is a DC book, it will probably be a lot like the standard DC trades, where they usually include variant covers - the first issue had a bunch and I think that was it. American Alien, which was a prestige HC, didn't even include a script, but it did include a lot of art, work up of covers, etc.
I'd be surprised if there is more than 10 pages of bonus content, but maybe, since some trades can be 7 books and this mini only ran 6 floppies.
Now I want solos for those two universes, also a sequel would be wonderful.
Really thank you very much for this storytime OP.
Mera is faithful, she would never do something like this.
You are welcome user.
>But Skelly cannot be killed
Why not?
Is he a lich?
This is amazing. Thanks, OP, book of the year right here.
For the 2nd part of the question, no Skeletor is not exactly a lich, even if as appearance he looks so. He was Keldor once, King Randor's half brother. He tried to seize power, but he was mortally wounded. Hordak saved Keldor, by fusing him with an immortal extradimensional demon. Skeletor was born.
So for the 1st part of the question, Skeletor ca be killed, but he can't stay dead. Hordak called Skeletor once the Master of Death, not only because he was a deadly and extremely powerful sorcerer, but mainly because his ability to aoid his own death. Much like Mumm-Ra, Skeletor lives as long as evil exists. The Goddess of Eternia, chose him to be the Lord of Destruction. As long the Universe exists, Skeletor will too. He can be killed, but Skelly will never stay dead. He will always return, one way or the other. Because "he is beyond death" as Skelly often said.
And as Teela very well pointed out, Skeletor is NEVER DEAD!
You are welcome. And i agree completely.
Right got it, he is a lich and the Universe is his phylactery.
Yeah. You could say so.
They need to do that movie already!
What an ending to this gorgeous ride!
This issue had everything you wish from a comic. It was crazy, fun, epic, metal, and emotional at the same time. Well done! A fantastic conclusion to an awesome crossover! Definitely the pick of the week for me.
Skellex Luthtor
Man of Bats
can't think of anything wonder woman/Teela
More likely Teelois.
>...his faithful sidekick He-Cat.
Skeletor and Mumm-Ra are so fucking hilarious even when they merged together. A little tribute to one of the most awesome Sup Forums related villains pair.
Cool to see Mer-Man almost 5 years after his one and only appearance in the first He-Man mini series. I was worried that they will never use him again.
Lion-O is technically a shota already. He's just a really big shota thanks to an error in his cryogenic hibernation.
>Then there was that 2011's plot that he was going to involved with WilyKit, but it was too absurd as an idea.
not really that absurd, 2011 Lion-O is only a couple years older than his WilyKit, and there probably would have been a timeskip at some point to better facilitate it(not to mention they put a heavy amount of foreshadowing for it in the show)
It was weird though, considering Wilykit was still a child looking, while Lion-O a young adult.
Oh God. I just thought Ra's Al Dack. Now I want to see it.
Frankly He-Man has always been a beast in terms of strength.
What i loved from this crossover's artwork is that Williams' He-Man exterior, is heavily inspired by Alcala's first mini comics. Good job.
Lion-O has a good taste...