Do you like Captains by Spencer Sup Forums?
I liked Sam Cap
IMO, good ideas, bad execution. I find both books terribly boring and slow.
The first 6 issues of Remender's Sam Cap were endlessly better. The fact he cut relationships with marvel and all his plots and characters where thrown to the wind is pretty sad.
I stopped after the remender secret wars mini
did they ever use his adopted son again
Hydra Cap is the best ongoing from the big 2 right now. Retards feel free to meme reply but it won't change the truth.
Where is that picture from?
That said, Spencer's Cap books suffer from immense pacing problems and Sam!Cap lost anything resembling plot and thematic coherence a while a ago. He also overdoes it with the monologuing and recapping on both books.
>werewolf Cap
Why have to remind me
Yes. SamCap kinda petered out a bit after Standoff, but I liked some stuff about it. Captain Hydra has been the only Marvel book able to get me genuinely excited to read the next issue besides Ultimates/Ultimates^2 from Marvel for the past year. It's a lot of mostly build-up, but frankly, I enjoy the build-up and politicking. Same reason I liked Hickman's New Avengers.
Overall, everything kinda hinges on Secret Empire but I'd still put it over Remender's run.
It's the last two issues of Sam and Steve's books before Secret Empire.
They made the white, blonde hair, blued eyes character a Nazi
They're just continuing with their white devil agenda