What happened to them?

what happened to them?

Shitty management and all of them just going their separate ways


Cyrus went to Oneofus.net

Korey and Leon founded their own website, DoubleToasted.com, pic related

Carlyle does a podcast with Brian Salisbury in between writing scripts for Marvel movies

Co-Host dropped off the face of the earth. Whatever he's doing now is greater than we can comprehend.

not these fucking losers again

2 of them do Double Toasted now. They have great stuff to say about movies but their rants about Ben Carson being an Uncle Tom and JonTron being a bigot really rustled my jimmies.

Fuck I remember these niggas, funny as fuc

don't really like it when they get political but the reviews are still funny

find a flaw

I legitimately miss Co-Host. He was the nicest guy on the whole site. Always willing to see things from another point of view, never demonized anyone, and he had ace taste in films. Always had great stories, too.

Cyrus was a holier-than-thou faggot who can't pronounce "women," Korey slowly deteriorated into a pundit, Leon is just old so whatever, and based Carlyle chased his dreams and is fucking owning shit left and right (good on him).

But Co-Host, he was pure, funny and kind, and I don't think there was a single person who didn't like him. And yet HE was the one who had to disappear? For all I know he got hit by a car. Even just knowing he's okay would be enough for me.