Brubaker should have killed him off at the end of his run
What is the point of Bucky in the Marvel Universe
Brubaker should have killed him off at the end of his run
What is the point of Bucky in the Marvel Universe
Punisher already takes care of that part.
You can never have enough edge.
completely agreed.
A Captain America backup should Steve be unable to
That gun looks fucking terrible.
Did you say edge?
That should always be Falcon not Bucky.
Take the role of "OH WOE IS ME I WAS A SPY AND DID BAD THING" away from Natasha so she can actually take part in different stories now.
100% agree. Everything the character has to offer is explored in the story that this creator (Brubaker obvi created Winter Soldier not Bucky) intended for him.
Morrison understood this with Damian. Finish the character arc and if editors want to cheaply resurrect let it be on their heads.
Does she? Because I read 6 issues of the lastest run and it was still "woe is me muh russian past I did bad things".
That's pretty much what the user you are replying to wants to do away with and shove that sort of plot over to Bucky.
That said, Bucky has pretty much the same problems as Jason Todd and Elektra as a character wherein he started as a supporting character, was supposed to stay dead but then got resurrected anyway. And just like with those two while the initial story of his resurrection was good, they have since then struggled to find anything worthwhile to do with the character. Both the Man on the Wall and Thunderbolts stuff could have worked but the creative teams hopelessly fucked it up.
Put it doesn't keep her down. There's a big difference.
Jason Todd is good now, believe it or not.
Todd's basically been put into a containment book, though. It's a surprisingly good containment book but still.
Have you guys read his two solo runs?
First one was a continuation to Brubaker's own brand of weird super spy things but he could explore much further with Bucky than he could with Steve because he operated in a different, more "spy-like" manner.
His second run had some issues with the script but the art was fucking awesome and some neat ideas came from it.
Honestly I enjoy Bucky as a character and I'll continue supporting the character for years to come.
If it's good, then I see it as something worthwhile to do with the character.
Nope, but dammit they oughtta, that Black Widow story is so tired at this point
There is red in her ledger nigga
That single line and it's notable impact and re-occurrence is like a fucking litmus test for MCU influence.
Fuck Whedon, fuck writers who just watch The Avengers and think they're good, just fuck.