What races exist in the DC Universe that could stand up to Kryptonians on their own...

What races exist in the DC Universe that could stand up to Kryptonians on their own, and maybe even fight them to a standstill, if not defeat them completely?

Hard Mode: no daxamites


Those Lantern Guardian things


Martians, when there were martians.
Amazons, maybe.
The Reach
Homo Magi
New Gods

There should be others but I don't remember them now.

Aren't they Kryptonians?

Kandorians are definitely Kryptonians

tamaranians are (or were) a warrior people whose bodies can absorb sunlight and can do stuff like fly/shoot lasers/be really strong and durable. i imagine they would be a reasonable challenge for kryptonians

What can Maltusians do?
Also, what are the Reach and the Thanagarians capable of that can fuck up Kryptonians? I remembered the Thanagarians as having enough trouble with ONE Kryptonian-

Thanagarians surely aren't that strong.

They are the guardians from Green lanterns

How about Czarnians


new gods, monitors, cathexis, Gil'Dishpan, martians and whatever the fuck species Mongul is. That's it really. I guess Amazons can be a challenge for kryptonians, diana specifically.

It's a pretty small list. If you mean the *average* of each race:

- Martians (Green and White)
- Guardians
- Reach (with beetle symbionts)
- New Gods (outclass Kryptonians significantly)
- Monitors
- Mongul's race (I forget the name)

Not really. They have similar powersets, yeah, but Kryptonians operate on a completely different level. In nu52 Starfire encountered Superman, and basically nothing she did left a scratch on him.


DC Universe, user

In what way are New Gods above Kryptonians? I mean, there's no way Virman Vundabar or Desaad is going to win against, say, Krypto the Super-Dog.

Classic Kirby has the average New God being absurdly huge and, well, godlike. Superman when going there is scaled up by boom tubes.

These guys.

The Guardians had too modify a weakness to fire into the Martian species because they were too OP.

What was that from?

So Desaad could beat up Superboy?

The blasts aren't natural, Starfire has them because she was experimented on.

They're mini-supermen
Pretty weak

Amazons are a no.
Amazons are like Saiyans in the sense that a few extraordinary members become amazing super warriors, fewer still rival literal gods, and most of them while stronger than your average human...Are still fodder.

Kryptonians on the other hand? Every last one of then becomes a god when they spend a few years soaking up a yellow sun.

Durlans are up there depending on if you make their transformations actually work or if it's just a visual thing. Like I do remember one turning into a piece of technology and working.


If each was at their base power instead of being scaled up or down to match the location? Absolutely.


Not a race, but I was thinking about the fact that Eternia exists in DC.

He-Man's power is magical, and it explicitly makes him "the strongest man in the universe".

So however strong Superman or Captain Marvel or anyone is, He-Man is stronger, if only a little.

Then you consider that his harness boosts his strength tenfold.

He-Man is ALWAYS ten times (and change) stronger than anyone else in the DC universe.

Holy shit.

I haven't watched or read any He-Man in ages.
If he's the strongest man in the universe, how did anyone manage to stand up to him?

Usually with illusions, tricks, or by temporarily putting him in situations where his strength was useless, like teleporting him into a bottomless pit.

If there were more Czarnians

Its all 'bout dat Nth Metal.

Whatever the hell Icon is.

general zod flies out of he-man reach and shoots a concentrated heat vision ray through he-man eyes frying his brain.

the reach are a race of scientists arent they? naturally they're weak but their equipment makes them powerful, take it away and supes could wreck them

Coluans are smart enough but outside of the Brainiac family they lack the individual ambition.

5th dimensional imps

Wonder woman is the best of the the best for the Amazons and Superman is already better than her. Any normal Kryptonian is already close to Superman's level.


He-Man parries with his indestructible energy-blocking sword.

Are we really doing this grade-school shit? I never said He-Man could BEAT Superman, just that he's stronger, which is a fact.