Beauty and the Beast


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Meh, it's still gonna make money, so it won't stop the trend. Maybe the next one could be a flop.

sorry WBaby but your days are numbered

>Maybe the next one could be a flop.

Shit, that's going to be Mulan and I am honestly hyped for it much more than this or Cinderella. We know it already changes some shit around instead of being pretty much the cartoon

What an obvious Kremlin shill! Why do we allow Russian influencing our movies? Just because there is a gay character and USSR can't be progressive, doesn't mean we will stand to have our country hacked, bribed, and gutted by Putin.

>that article
Have adults always been such passive aggressive babies or am I just growing up and noticing it more?

Disney doesn't flop

>b-but it sold better than this WB movie!
Good goy.

Man whatever else the movie does they're not going to have a Beast that actually looks as good as the OG Beast.

The guy is a neckbeard and everything.