How come nobody talks about this show anymore?

How come nobody talks about this show anymore?

I feel like it kind of lost its soul in the last couple seasons. Same thing will happen to GoT, I think

It's great but what is there to talk about once you've seen it?

>Same thing will happen to GoT
>Implying it didn't happen since they stopped being based on the actual books seasons ago

It ended 4 years ago and doesn't have any low brow redd*t tier memes for Sup Forums to regurgitate over and over every day with the same exact threads

I stoped watching when she fucked Ted

Mad men and sopranos ended a while ago too, but people still talk about it outside of epic memes

I admit I didn't word this entirely clearly, but general inferential ability should lead you to understand I was saying no one will talk about GoT when it's all over.

It's over and everybody generally agrees that S5 was a mistake.

Jack was a shitty final antagonist and they played it too safe with the way it ended. Breaking Bad was like jelly donut where you thought it hit the jackpot because the first bite was like 50% jelly, but by the time you finish it you realize it was just filled lopsided and the last few bites were nothing but donut.

Sort of but Season 5 is really not that bad, there's just an obvious tonal shift from the previous 4 seasons which makes it fit in awkwardly with the rest of the show.

If you moved the Gretchen+Elliot money scene to S4, the series could have legit ended with "I won".

Although I like the last season. It peels away the glamour of being a crime lord, even if that seems a little hamfisted following two seasons of guilty pleasure stuff.

Can we agree the high point in the series was when Jesse was forced to kill pic related?

the nazi meth prison gang story arc was not very good

Agreed with this. S5 is odd, but has some amazing moments. It just felt like another show

>nobody gives a shit about breaking bad anymore

The last season was garbage, but even at it's best the show was lacking in depth. Very low rewatchability.

Seasons 1-4 were kino. It should have ended with Face Off.

I feel I could have a full conversation of a single episode of the Sopranos compared to one of BB save for the really good ones

The final season was weak, but the show had problems before that. A lot of times it was very slow moving. Looking back I can barely identify individual episodes, unlike say Sopranos.

Because it was normie shit that got reactions with "oooh plot twist!" and Brian Cranston screaming.

Thinking of watching BB again or talking about it, bores me. It was good the first time, but strip away the suspense and plot twists, there's nothing left.

On the other hand, I'm rewatching Rome, and I could watch these type of shows, over and over and not get tired of it.


The final season was not "weak" at all. It has a fucking 100% rating on rotten tomatoes.

The reason it doesn't get talked about much is because it doesn't have much replay value. Mainly because a lot of what made the show great was the suspense. After you've seen it once, the suspense is gone.

I was in college when it aired and me and my roomates used to put it on when we just wanted something to fall asleep to

usually put us out in 25 minutes top

When you put it that way, it's easy to see why half of the BB fandom thinks that The Fly was one of the best episodes of the entire series despite not advancing the plot.

>it got popular so I hate it now
>i-im c-cool now, r-right?

The Fly was pretty much BB's Pine Barrens.

soprano threads hit 300+ posts

breaking bad not even 30


I was just watching it over. I miss going on Sup Forums and see people go crazy over it.

The whole show is a perfect story. I don't get sick of it.

Paranoid Walt destroying his empire was a great way to end it.

Im so glad BCS has been a good spinoff