French cartoons

what's your favourite french cartoon ?

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Please learn the difference between a French cartoon and a Quebecois cartoon.


Or Oban.

Or whatever Balak's new thing is called. I haven't watched it yet.

but it was made by both french and quebecois


Fred's Head was the shit, and Tintin was another cool France/Canada production. Triplets of Belleville had a bunch of different fingers in the pie.
I really need to rewatch Fantastic Planet and Gandahar one of these days. I don't remember how the former ended anymore and the latter is just bits and pieces.

les nombrills is good desu albeit mildly depressing at times

Depends, Quebec french or France French?

Oggy and the Cockroaches

>tfw no good Oggy fanart

Miraculous latex fetish
actually I just wanted to make that joke

A good French show would have plenty of waifu characters to make fanart.

OATC is good shit.


The one with naked children.

I thought it was German.
The Russian dub is pretty good.

The one about space racing.

So, all of them?



something something tits(male)

What's the source of this? Had me chuckling and the animation is good

"Retour sur la Grande Conférence des Coproductions Fr-Japonaises à Japan Tours"
>Quand on a terminé le premier épisode, je suis allé le montrer aux japonais qui m'ont dit "Hum... Ça fait français quand même.". Bon. Je suis arrivé à France 3 pour montrer l'épisode et on m'a dit "Oh... Ça fait japonais, non ?"
>Au début, on avait des scripts qui arrivaient, étant donné qu'on travaillait tous les scripts en France. Personnellement, je suis un maniaque de la narration, je ne veux pas d'ambigüité. Il faut que tout soit compréhensible, même avec des sous-textes. Du coup, quand les scripts arrivaient chez eux, avant de passer au storyboard, ils mettaient des incohérences dans le scénario, et je leur disais : "Mais pourquoi vous faites ça ? Là, ça raconte plus ça !", mais ils insistaient ! Ils disaient "Mais si ! Parce que sur Internet, les gens vont se poser des questions, et ça va animer un forum où ils vont pas comprendre pourquoi on a inséré tel élément... D'ailleurs c'est comme ça qu'on a fait sur Evangelion.". *rires*
i love this movie



What was the best Asterix movie?

The Twelve Task.

But really beside the first one they are all good.

I want to murder that fucking smug bastard bird.


I think you put the wrong picture.

It's french.

It's crap.


both ?

they're very similar for the most part


Surprised this wasn't mentioned yet.

les grandes grandes vacances is hands down the best.

That looks like a high quality video capture. I only have low-to-medium quality 480p videos. Did the series finally get released on a better source?

Also I think Fred's Head is probably my favorite "French" cartoon, though I also enjoyed the "The Grand Grand Holiday." Wakfu was nice first season but not a personal fav like Fred's Head.

Rewatched it recently, it's great

A Kind of Magic is not actually good. Just posting because the pink-haired MILF with mega hips.

Fun fact: it was only called Corniel and Bernie in France and the US. Everywhere else it's called Watch My Chops

Even Funnier Fact: It was called Conrad and Bernhard in my country.

I have a real fondness for Insektors and all the Once Upon a Time...

That ass isn't from Wafku, Oban or Last Man. What cartoon is it?



totally spies is an all-time fave, too
but goddamn do these lolis get me

They released official storyboard and cells of the scene without the duck a long fucking ago. Get with the program.

I really liked the treasures of kerub, it was a fun show.