This bitch wants to commit suicide in your house because it was her childhood home

This bitch wants to commit suicide in your house because it was her childhood home.

Would you let her?

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I hated how the neighbors shat on Hank during that episode as if he was somehow in the wrong. The fuck.

No, that sounds like a bad decision on multiple levels.

If she cleans up afterwards

there were alot of episodes of koth in the ,later episodes that were just infuriating to watch.

As long as she lets me rifle through her pockets afterwards

I wouldnt mind so as long she left a note or something so i dont get charged with her death

I'd need to get a lawyer or some shit to go over this with a fine tooth comb
And she'd be paying for the legal fees

If she gives me some good shit in her will


Only by contract.

I don't mind someone dying in my house. But damn if I'm going to deal with some idiot policeman.

Since my house was build in the late 50's this is an actually possibility. heck maybe somebody has died in my house before.

I kind of mind

Regardless of your views on ghosts and spiritual shit, the idea of somebody dying in the other room of your house is pretty fucking weird.


People die everywhere

I don't know about you, but people don't regularly die in my living room.


It shouldn't matter if they did. In older cities people probably have died on that exact spot decades ago.


there's ghosts on this thread?
stop it. you're scaring me.

Three people I know of died in my childhood home and there was an old cemetery in the woods I'd play in. I just kind of grew up thinking that stuff was normal.

Honestly if she had a plan to handle all the funeral expenses and legal shit I would be fine with it, maybe. I ain't letting a woman die in my house then pay for her ass to be buried and shit.

Also she better have some people on hand to haul her body out because I'm not doing that myself.


Worst offender right here

Oh, that's not a ghost. That's just a skellyman.



not commit suicide

just die

I would for a lot of money, i would even throw a party if she wanted granted she had a lot of money

Someone dying in a home, even by natural causes, can lower the property value. The more people that die in a home the less willing people generally are to buy it. However I am not sure if you are legally required to let people know that someone has died there or put it on some kind of record, it might depend on the state in question.

>old lady wants to die in your home because it was her childhood home
>let old lady stay
>she ends up living for another decade
>you have to take care of her during all that time including paying for all the expensives of such

ONLY if she lets me fuck her before she does it.

Bitch is clearly lying, my house isn't that old.

This user has his priorities in check. I respect that.

only if she does it by hanging from a ceiling fan cuz after she dies i want to turn the fan on and see if it can hold her weight while spinning

It's a rental
She can fuck right off

Tell her to pay me the remainder of her life savings and leave all her worldly possessions to me, then after I collect I spend every second of every day around her bare-ass naked as she waits to die.

>all the people in this thread saying they wouldn't do it

This guy has the right idea.

my house was built five years ago so id tell that old biddy to fuck right off

If she blows me every day till her death.

No way fag, it will reduce the value of my place


Don't watch any KOTH episodes that aired AFTER "Witches Of East Arlen". That's when these types of "Hank refuses to do something unreasonable he shouldn't have to do, everyone hates him because of it" plots get way more common in the later seasons.


It was just sort of a principle of "you shouldn't be mean to nice old ladies".
When Hank says fine and lets her get to it, everyone is clearly becomes as uncomfortable about the reality of the situation as he is.

Yes because I'm pretty fucking close to killing myself in this house

I punched my monitor you fucking faggot. Why would you post that?

Sorry, I can't properly answer the hypothetical question at hand because I can't help imagining how sweet it would be to own my own house in the first place.

>late 50s
>thinks his house is old

Late 1950s? Your house is younger than my dad. I'm accustomed to buildings that go can go back more like 3 or 4 generations, more if they're actually really old buildings.

fuck no
I took the house of a family that their great grandfather built with his own two hands in a lawsuit, cause they tried to fuck me over
no way I'm not letting them back in
i'm planing on demolishing it down

He didn't say his house was old?

I've already had a few deaths in my house including a murder suicide.

I'll deny her just because it is going to be hard dealing with afterwards. I'm already going to hell anyway.

Damn, son. You guys took home ownership to an entirely new level.

Sorry, it just sounded to me like he thought the possibility of somebody having died in his home in the past was unusual.

The worst episode imo is the one where everyone thinks Hank and his dog are racists because he barks at a black repairman or some shit

They realized they fucked up when they found out she wanted to die in there.

I mean, that one is at least kind of plausible if he had trained hid dog to attack blacks. Also the dog chewing on the black barbie in front of everyone didn't help his case.

God, I love the KITH so much

For a second I thought "King In the Hill?" before I realized you were talking about Kids In The Hall. Which is indeed quite lovable.

I thought that Season 6 was that last consistently good season?

tfw the wife and I realized that the only character who has a major, season by season definable character arc is Luanne

Ladybird outright tries to maul him and the rest of the cast note that Hank's never had anyone black over before then.