Star Trek General: Peak Performance
That was such a bad season finale
Reminder that Discovery is not canon since the bulk of the fanbase shuns it. Any new fans are not true Trek fans, same as with the two reboot movies.
I forget, why did they turn into frog monsters again?
I forget, how do they explain magic space mushroom teleport drive again?
There are three.
I want to ______ Riker!
Somehow they are in all instances of time at once, and in all places at once. Somehow this affects their DNA, and they progress millions of years into the future.
I call absolute horse shit though. That is regression.
You seem obsessed.
We're okay with Beyond though.
Who's "we"?
he identifies as 2 spirit
Ah, I never watched the 2016 one. Benedict as Khan really rustled my jimmies. Not to mention the absolute blatant plagiary of Wrath of Khan. That wasn't homage. That was bullshit.
I don't believe you. I refuse to trust you. If I watch it, I will hate it. I just know it. You can't trick me.
>I call absolute horse shit though. That is regression.
them not becoming transcendent beings or pure energy or whatever cliched crap is the only interesting thing about it. what makes it bullshit is the whole premise
not that guy but Beyond was actually good.
Is user Armenian? Armenians can identify as anything they want in Star Trek.
The people who liked Star Trek before 2009.
Well it's no Final Frontier and it has its flaws but it's leagues ahead of any other Trek film since at least First Contact.
No, too bad, I'm going to give you a taste of your own medicine and call you a fake fan.
>tfw finally got to season 4 and now Voyager is actually good
I would have been fine with it if humanity became something along the lines of the Undine, or some really awesome unique race. The pure energy horseshit that Kes and Wesley seemed to both be able to achieve was just awful.
But lizards? Come on. Maybe Voth at most if we are going that route.
>tfw Twitch will never stream every Star Trek episode in a giant marathon to bring all of Sup Forums and the world together for a week
I don't think you'll be missing out by not seeing it. It's not that great. But if you're a true Trekkie, you'll watch even the bad shit just to complete the ride and be able to shitpost here.
this is truly one of the worst episodes of anything ever
Tuvak's little quip at the end when this should be the most horrific shit you've ever witnessed so horrible you should be vomiting, your friend and captain literally devolved and lost forever in some surreal horror
Chipoltle: I'm not sure which is the captain?!
Tuvak: the female, obviously
Chipoltle: I'm not sure how I'm going to enter this into the log
Tuvak: I look forward to reading it
>a week
user, I don't think you understand how time works if you think that 31 seasons and 13 films can fit into a week.
>a week
You've never watched Star Trek beyond TOS, have you?
Not the poster you're thinking of. I saw it. I walked out of the theater burning with shame. Why did I waste my time and money on that? Why did I take my friend with me and waste his time and money too? Why did I tell another friend beforehand that he should check it out because it might be good? It wasn't good. I ruined the day for two of my friends. All for a garbage movie. I wanted to crawl into a corner and die.
a few weeks*
Friendly reminder that These Are The Voyages is still the single worst thing to come out of the the 31 seasons and 13 feature films of Star Trek.
>You've never watched Star Trek beyond TOS, have you?
Any TOS-only posters in these threads deserve our praise, not our mockery.
>The Motion Picture - kino
>The Wrath of Khan - great but overrated
>The Search for Spock - good
>The Voyage Home - great
>The Final Frontier - secretly kino
>The Undiscovered Country - good
>Generations - good and bad at the same time
>First Contact - great
>Insurrection - okay
>Nemesis - okay
>2009 - okay
>Into Darkness - shit
>Beyond - good
Still no, user. It'd be a month if it ran 24/7. But then people would miss out on a lot of important episodes. If it were scheduled for about 12 hours a day, it'd be two months. 6 hours, four months.
I used to be TOS only. Then I poked TAS. Then I poked TNG. Then I poked DS9, and VOY, and ENT. It was a wild ride, and I go on it again every so often.
>The Final Frontier - secretly kino
>First Contact - great
>Beyond - good
Search for Spock is thoroughly mediocre.
Should someone make an "absolute worst" guide? Like Spock's Brain, The Naked Now, Shades of Gray, Profit and Lace, Threshold, A Night in Sickbay, Star Trek Into Darkness?
Sub Rosa
Those lists exist all around the internet, but none of them get it right because none of them recognize These Are The Voyages as THE low-water mark of the entire franchise.
shiiiit, that long? did you watch the power rangers marathon? how long did that last? I could have sworn it was around a week nonstop to get through all their seasons. they didn't include the movies I don't think so it was just the show. I def would like it not to be non stop though so people could rest once in a while, the PR one was a fucking gauntlet to get through
I bet you are actually a lot of fun at parties
But you're overrating half of this trash
They all are
What IS the defining worst moment in Trek history, though?
Is it Janeway and Paris turning into lizards?
Is it Fat Riker squeezed into his old uniform and making it seem as if all of ENT was a holodeck program?
Is it Zachary Quinto yelling KHAAAAAAAAAAAN?
Voyage Home is great.
I have a good few, but I don't remember the names. When I do my every-so-often rewatch marathons, I always skip a good chunk of episodes.
17 days.
Data getting his emotion chip. No contest.
It's These Are The Voyages.
>What IS the defining worst moment in Trek history, though?
CRUSHER: "I re-read the entries in my grandmother's journals. Whatever else he might have done, he [fucked with the chemicals in my grandmother's brain to control her and then he raped her]."
It's great if you're a star trek fan, yes.
Why else would you watch a Star Trek movie?
You would not.
Why would you be watching the fourth in a series of films that follow on from a tv show if you weren't a fan?
The movies are quality but not in the Trek sense- just in a fun movie sense.
fuck you, TSFS is pure trekkino
Silly anons! It's like... Totally the in thing to do! We like... Don't even watch the movie. Our bee effs and we just kiss in the back, and then we like totally brag about how nerdy we were for like totally buying tickets to see this super dumb movie!
Into Darkness is not even fun. It's just abhorrent. 2009 and Beyond are both fun non-Trek films, and Beyond even tries to throw a few Trek bits in which is nice. Into Darkness is abhorrent.
Can you explain the plot of the movie to me?
Why is Kirk going to Genesis? He doesn't know that Spock's body is alive. Sarek doesn't know that Spock's body is alive. What exactly do they plan to do with Spock's dead body?
Star Trek movies are to Star Trek fans as American Cheese is to Americans
If you belong to the requisit category then you'll swallow anything. If not then you have better taste.
Was it Kes leaving or Seven coming aboard that improved the show?
that was wonderful to watch again
The transfer of a Vulcan's katra is apparently standard if they know they are about to die. Sarek wanted to obtain Spock's katra, so they went to McCoy. McCoy is trying to go to Genesis because Spock figures that his body was reborn on the planet due to the nature of Genesis. Kirk figures "fuck it" and goes along with it.
It flows okay, it's just clunky.
>McCoy is trying to go to Genesis because Spock figures that his body was reborn on the planet due to the nature of Genesis.
McCoy never says this.
>Kirk figures "fuck it" and goes along with it.
McCoy never talks to Kirk about going to Genesis. Kirk just magically knows.
Your mind invented a new story to replace the movie's broken story.
mods are faggots there and it would be more commercials than actual content
>more commercials than actual content
I've been watching TV on actual TV for the first time in years because of STD and I'd forgotten what a hassle commercials are
that show isn't on tv
It is in Canada
I noticed on the most recent Yu-Gi-Oh stream there was a lot of breaks. but the last ones I watched were the Bob Ross stream and PW, and those weren't bad with commercials at all. The Mr. Rodgers one though... i'd be sad if they did fuck it up with ads though now
it's on a streaming service what are you talking about?
You're an idiot.
You're an idiot.
I'm pretty sure Canada isn't a real place. It's one of those things they made up for Star Trek, like Sigma Iotia or Galorndon Core or New Zealand.
That guy's not Canadian. His grandfather was from Canada but I don't think that's enough.
i would like to become your mate.
I would like to become your roommate.
this scene is actually really funny
voyager isn't that bad
this guy was great.
Yes it is
ok sry
fuck voyager dumbass retard reddit Sup Forums show 9gag faggot shit nigger
don't say sorry just don't ever do it again
why wasn't there a vulcan on ds9 anyhow
There were in the baseball episode.
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
Because vulcans are a shit race. Literally every vulcan is identicle. Their entire personalities boil down to a few racial traits.
>i don't have feelings
>muh logic
>pon farr
>neck pinch
>mind meld
Get that shit the fuck out of here
I want to merry, Ezri!!! Dax!!
no go away
one vulcan minor character would've been really neat
>gates mcfadden wore a wig for most of the series
What in the heck?
>one vulcan minor character would've been really neat
should have been this guy
i wonder what jadzia wouldve said :-)
only as a punching bag for o'brien/bashir. they can mock all his tired racial cliches
>Hey vulcan. come play holodeck with us
>holodeck is irrational
>cue laugh track
>hey, vulcan. give us a neck pinch innit?
>that would be illogical
*obrien looks directly at camera*
yea exactly
he wouldn't be a morn, but he'd be funny sometimes
>When's your ponn farr, vulcan
>3 years, 7months, 21 days from now, why?
Jadzia def wouldn't have turned down a Vulcan on Ponn Far. LOGIC'D
are these available on some other torrents? MEGA never works for me
who was the intended audience of this post?
i just watched fusion and it was great, why the fuck did you faggots meme me into dreading it as the worst episode of ent?
I like it too, duno why anyone would think it's bad. It's very important for T'Pol's character which is probably one of the most developed characters in all of Trek, and we get to see some more of the religious side of the Vulcans which is always interesting.
He's using a lot of words wrong.
Because many people think T'Pol's character to be pretty dreadful, so an episode exploring it won't really be considerd very good.
*blocks your path*
>death by Jamaharon by blue eyed nubian goddess