I will become... the DARK AVATAR

I will become... the DARK AVATAR

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Woa nelly

Well that will surely reassure the people and win them over to your cause.

You know you've gone full retard when your calling yourself 'dark' anything. If other people call you dark whatever thats fine because fuck them. But if you're doing it you better not fall and cut yourself on all that edge.

I like the idea of a negative reflection of the avatar, but couldn't they have done it without all the magic kites and interdimensional travel?

Yes. His name was Amon and all he needed was the knowledge to know how to energy bend.

>Avatar is a master of all 4 Elements.
>Amon is a master of none of the Elements.

>Avatar can take bending.
>Amon can take bending.

>Avatar supports Balance through bending.
>Amon supports Equality without bending.

People say things got better after s1 when they hired other writers.

No, fuck this whole light/dark plot of s2. I think everything else besides that was bearable.

Holy shit dude, get over it. Yeah it was a little goofy, but given the context it's an appropriate title.

All the other seasons were bearable but S2 really was just a shitshow all over.
>Korra basically reboots her development from the previous season, relearning to respect her teacher and being a better student etc etc
>pointless amnesia to further some stupid love traingle
>wastes a good character growth opportunity in Korra potentially wrongfully chasing down and threatening a duly appointed official just because she's the avatar and can't be wrong
>shitty villain with all the subtlety of cackling Palpatine portrayed as a twist
>Jinora has special astral projecting powers for no reason
>big dumb goofy awkward giant spirit "fight" for a finale

I'm so fucking glad I dropped the show after that shit.

Something was just telling me when "Dark Avatar" is being used seriously, that you need to jump ship. And I've never looked back. I don't even know what happens in S3 and 4

>Amon supports Equality without bending.

But... how does bending even factor to this? Wan&co used bending to cast off the rule of their non-bender tyrants, so at the very best we are looking at a never-ending cycle here (non-bender overlords are defeated by benders (yay, power to the people, quite literally) -> benders become new overlords -> non-benders defeat bender overlords (muh equality) -> non-benders become new overlords -> back to square 1).

Amon was a conman who never made any sense whatsoever. The two true quasi-Avatars in TLOK were Jinora and Kuvira.


Who gives a shit about the people?
The spirits shall reign supreme.


>Whole season dealing with Spirits and the spirit world
>No appearance by Koh

>You see, balance is needed in all things; with creation must come destruction. Being the "dark avatar" doesn't necessarily mean I'm evil, it just means I embody certain aspects of nature which humans are not the most comfortable with. Now excuse me while I go destroy the most populated town in the world without giving anyone a chance to evacuate.

the first avatar special was really fucking great tho...

>People say things got better after s1 when they hired other writers.

Literally no one has said this. S2 was the low point of the entire series.

Oh fuck I completely forgot they used amnesia to continue the love triangle

When the first series was airing I would talk about it on a normie forum and some kid there thought the series would end with Aang fighting a "Dark Avatar" and posted badly 'shopped images of Aang with the colors inverted to promote his "Dark Avatar Theory". People laughed at him.

And then they went and actually did it. Christ.

this show sucked from the middle of season 1 to the end of season 2. seasons 3-4 were worth watching. who is to blame

>benders become new overlords

The thing is:

This cant happen because of the way that bending works. You can be the richest and most powerful motherfucker in the world and not be a bender. Them you can have a bender child, or a non bender child.... it doesnt make a difference.

You can be poor as fuck and still have benders as children.

Bending wont automaticaly make you, or your family, much more prestigious. It is also common enough to not be suvh a big deal.

The Wan shit wasn't bender/nonbender(there was no such distinction at the time), it was supposed to be rich/poor(but they didn't execute it well at all, of course)

Whole story was retarded

Wan killed like three people because they went hunting to feed their village

Yeah, I mean, if we take this route then the Amon and his Equalists are even more retarded because Sokka's Master exists. Not to mention that a living example of a non-bender being at the top of the heap (Hiroshi) is a member of the Equalists - so they are not only retarded but also hypocrites.

It was about "inequality" (oppression), just like Amon's revolution-thingie.

>Hehehehe....fool, the name's (main protagonist) Black.

>Otherwise known as...YOUR DEATH
*lunges at you*

Not really. Even if you ignore all the lore retconning, it still had thematic problems that undermine the narrative.

there's that word again

Such waste of a potentially interesting character

What frustrates me most about Unalaq is that he could have been more than a wet Ozai.
He could a spiritual leader followed members of all the cultures and bending styles
He could have been a chamipon of the old ways world during this time of industry and urbanism
we saw in atla what can happen if the home of a spirit is disturbed so its only natural that in an era where resources are are greater demand there has to be more incidents with ancient spiritual sites being disturbed by loggers or miners.
We could have seen conflict between modernists/industrialist represented by Varric who have no respect for the spirits and conservatives who still revere the spirits and cling to the old ways led by Unalaq
the story could have shown all the good caused by industry and modernisation while also showing ruin it can cause if left unchecked
Unalaq could been a well intentioned extremist manipulated by Vaatu who genuinely believed he was doing what was right and wanted Korra live up to what he believed was her duty as Avatar ignoring the Avatars duty to humanity because of his obsession with the spirits
As korras uncle his fall could have been treated as a tragedy instead of simply being shrugged of


I tried to watch this show because Sup Forums and Eska & Desna and with what little I saw was pretty shitty in term of writing.

I think the only things I like from the show were, Eska&Desna, Bolin, that business guy that was friend with Bolin and the interaction between that old guy with the blue down arrow and his siblings. Everything else was either shitty or plain boring.

Other thing that kind of pissed me off was how much of waste of characters were E&D through their appearance in S2. Like, they could have flesh them out a little bit more, I think.

By the way, I took some time to rip some of the audio of the episode where E&D appeared (before deleting them) and made an mp3 with all their lines.
Here it is if you guys and E&Dfags want to listen to: soundgasm.net/u/fishsgoespokpokpok/Eska-and-Desna

I kind of hoped there would be an Anti-Avatar in the future though.

Like after this, there would be a second Avatar, whose reincarnation cycle is in reverse because why not. They don't necessarily have to be evil, but a rival to the Avatar and provide them a good challenge, or threaten to take their role as a spiritual beacon.

Korra had the perfect setting for season 1. A topic idea that could have lasted 4 seasons. A fucking non bender vs bender rights. That alone was a goldmine that could keep viewers interested, especially those who supported benders (irl they would feel conflicted). Zaheer was good as well but needed more time and the kuvira as well needed more nazi

Who on nick actually thought 10 episode per Season/storyline was a good idea

Varrik was good though. At least we got Varrik out of it all.
And I kinda liked the civil war premise as it started early on. But yeah, Varrik and the twins, that was about all that was good.

Like what?
And for the love of all that is sacred don't make me have to type out the difference between being able to hurl fireballs and actually firebending again.

>Fans start calling him Unvattu

>Not Vattunalaq

Even the fans of this show suck.

I was pretty much done with the show when the last episode of season 1 wrapped the plot up nicely instead of building on the setting. I never finished the series after getting bored halfway through season 3 but as far as I recall they never real bring back the bender/non-bender conflict. Everyone just gets over it between seasons and suddenly spirits are the big deal.

>they never real bring back the bender/non-bender conflict

To be fair, I was genuinely surprised that they even bothered to expand this stuff after Sokka's Master pretty much already answered all relevant questions.

>To be fair, I was genuinely surprised that they even bothered to expand this stuff after Sokka's Master pretty much already answered all relevant questions.
Which is why there wasn't anything to expand on except Amon being a shit and wanting to start stuff based on a skewed premise.

>there are people in Sup Forums that would defend this.

>"LoK is more grown up!"

>You know what? Fuck this war! I just want you dead!

How much better would the series be if one of the seasons villains was Korra against non-benders instead of nothing but benders?Amon was sorta close, but a full fledged normal guy duking it out with the Avatar would be neat.