How do you feel about the first Comic Con held in Saudi Arabia?
Comic-Con Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
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Isn't Geek culture haram? It should be.
Free screenings of Justice League, I presume?
Separate entrance for women.
>women can only cosplay as Scorpion or Sub-Zero
I bet they had a kick ass loli section.
Speaking of JUSTice League...
I mean, Saudi Arabia might be the most evil dictatorship in the world, so everything that exposes it to more humanitaeian values can only be good.
>that face
>that hat
>those braces
Maybe we aren't so different from the sandnigggers
>holding hands
>he doesn't hold hands with his bros
Are you blind
Saudis are mostly a bunch of beta nerds, I'm not surprised at all
Did DCEU's (((Wonder Woman))) do any panels?
nerd culture is truly pervasive, the real strength of america is spreading it's ideologies and media throughout, infecting itself and the world
As someone who grew up a nerd, this is sick. It's not a quality to be revered, we were better off when it wasn't accepted because we had a reason to crawl out of the basement beat off dungeons and into the world. Increasingly, there is no reason
Why does everybody look like a suicide bomber?
the funny thing is, sjws would want this to prevent "rape culture"
What?Women can enter?
I thought in Saudi Arabia they knew women shouldn't leave the house.Not cool.
>whaaaaaaa now that my obsession over infantile franchises is popular it's bad!!!!!! whaaaaaa stop liking what I like!
Literally Sup Forums's dream
I think the point he was trying to make is that it is better for true nerd stereotypes to be hidden from public, rather than advocated for and accepted.
Yeah nah he just doesn't feel like a special snowflake for collecting dolls of super heroes anymore.
It was pretty cool until Power Girl got stoned to death for leading men into temptation, then I just got depressed.
Oh hey we have the same name!
no shit
Reading it back, you might be right. Idk, I'm drunk and that in combination for my hatred off weebs and fanboys may have crept through.
Are their women allowed to cosplay or nah?
no I just don't think it's a good thing for the society as a whole. In the course of the past 10 years, people are increasingly no longer embarrassed about obsessing over anime, video games, etc. It's actually encouraged.
Why progress and mature as a person when there's a glorification of this, to the point that there's a comicon in saudi arabia? It feels like another level of control of the masses, whether it's intentional or unintentional.
It doesn't bother me in the way you're guessing, because back when I was a nerd it was still somewhat frowned upon so there was motivation to get a job, be successful, etc. If I was the same today, I would have had no motivation to meet women, have a career, etc., just play wow and watch anime
To expand on this stupid rant, it goes it line with the thought of "it's ok to show emotion", "it's ok if your son doesn't play sports", "don't judge people for being weak, emotionally or physically", "don't bully people"
I'm not advocating for people to be assholes, but why should people aspire to do anything if nerd culture and all that goes with it are accepted or glorified?
Only as batman
What is this from?
In other words, you have internalized your oppression and now look down on people who don't take shame in who they are or what they like.
I can empathize, but you should reflect on what your true ambitions really are.
what is this
As it should be.
>you have internalized your oppression
That's fair so I'll give it some reflection, and it's conflicting because I do feel that people should be free to enjoy what they want.
In spite of my bias, I stand by the argument that the glorification of "nerd culture" is a bad thing for the world, beyond my personal experience.
Jesus, what is this, PBS News roundtable?
You're supposed to just dig in your heels and REEEEE louder until one of you stop posting from exhaustion.
...but feel free to argue that treating this shit like a positive is a good thing.
We need this in America
>internalized your oppression
The faggot is the one who is too cowardly to live life the way he wants.
Muslims are closet homosexuals after all.
She is pretty damn hot.
source negro.
this is more likely a PR effort from the Saudis to distract from the fact that they are one of the most brutal dictatorships in the world
That's a cute girl. I feel she's in danger wearing a backwards baseball cap like that though.
>still vouching for democracy
That's a very flawed way of thinking. Why get a job? Because it's nice to have money. Why meet women? Because it's nice to have sex. Why keep heatlhy? Because it's nice to be healthy.
If you have to be shamed into these things you are pretty useless to begin with.
Way too many cosplayers were dressing as Grimace.
Hmmm... I think I'd like to fug a Saudi conslut
>Isn't Geek culture haram?
Not at all.
>doesn't know about Mohammed from Qatar
western ways will prevail. you can hold on to your medievil shit all you want, sooner or later they will all munch on hamburgers.
>sooner or later they will all munch on hamburgers.
In 2 separate lines.
Democracy is the opposite of dictatorship
>In 2 separate lines.
they already are munching on hamburgers
diabetes is becoming a problem over there because of all the fast food, not kidding
How long before it is banned as a jewish conspiracy to infiltrate and degenerate the culture?
>there will never be a Memri TV panel at MENA Comic-cons
I'd like an autograph from the Iraqi chef who was getting prank calls from the Shi'ite
They have KFC for deaf people in Egypt, mad innit?
>Muslims are closet homosexuals after all.
T.E. Lawrence taught us that
Wtf they're all wearing the same costume!
How embarrassing.
what are the chances an absolute madman would dress up in a full cover burkha/dress and go into the female side?
all that women can cosplay as: nazgul and dementors
any other guesses?
It's from some shitty dutch movie, this clip is about all you need. The girl is Yolanthe Sneijder-Cabau if you're really wondering.
>a comic con with no half naked cosplaying thots
My mind is blown.
Ok I actually got curious myself. It's from short movie called "turkse chick" here's about half of it:
>all the con sluts get bored because they're not allowed to look like whores so they don't bother going
>all that's left are men and the small minority of women that could be considered dorks
wtf I love wahabism now
BASED muslims focusing on the content of the convention and not thots. I bet there is only intelligent and insightful discussion going on in there
It's called Turkse Chick
Everything with Yolanthe is hot flikker
She is hot. She has never been in anything worthwhile though. As has any dutch actor that hasn't left for america.
>Why meet women? Because it's nice to have sex.
t. misogynist
Qt, that cap does NOT double as a hijab. You'll be kicked out if you don't shape up.
>I bet there is only intelligent and insightful discussion going on in there
>this thread
Do you people literally live under a rock? This level of ignorance should not exist in time of internet.
>internalized your oppression
>unironically gargling SJW bullshit
get the fuck out
I hope the women are there for the event and not to whore themselves and take pics for Instagram.
They're more of the prison homosexual kind, on top of being faggots.
>yfw reading that US army afghanistan operations manual on how to deal with the abundant transvestites and homosexuals
thots are illegal in saudi-arabia
id drag my balls through a mile of broken glass just to have a thick arab woman sit on my face if you know what I mean
Bacha bazi dude, there's a US field manual that talks about it. Don't have a link tho. Muslims are surprisingly degenerate.
Bacha bazi are a tribal thing, like rural Afghanistan/Pakistan, they're all backwards as fuck there
>implying saudi arabia IS NOT a jewish conspiracy
>she didnt have a dick
why was I disappointed..
>shes actually Spanish
>like 9 siblings
her mom must be hot if her dad was constantly fucking her
the 43rd president of america is cute! CUTE!
But of course!
Dated a Muslim Turkish Girl, same laws as Saudi basically.
I tell you what if you want a fucking crazy devoted wife, marry a Muslim girl, you have to be Muslim too though, but she will basically be your slave and love being like that - absolutely nothing like western women.
I left her though because.
A. I didnt want to be Muslim
B. She got wayyy too obsessive
But she was the hottest girl I ever dated and a virgin, however she was open to telephone sex and blowjobs. Hearing her moan down the phone to me..... Teaching her how to suck a dick....
CHRIST lads, she was perfect.
Also if you think you can handle being a muslim, do know that they too are circumcised and you will need to be too.
you faggots dont even recognize good cosplay when you see it ( pic related)
Cnn is making it sound like this isnt the case for comic con, but you can clearly see they are entrance
based sandniggers