What went so right?
What went so right?
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Sucks, but the dude didn't do anything wrong. That thing is a smashed and slammed killing machine, if you can't control it, maybe a bullet will.
>my dad killed a pitbull with his glock. Please like plus subscribe
Guard dogs are useless in the US when you guys have the second ammendment.
>A Pitbull
I would also have blown it's head off it it came in my home. Its not worth the risk
Animal loving soyboys B.T.F.O
Now all we need is for people to wake up the husky menace and we can finally have peace among dogs
Why was her pitbull in his house?
those dogs are fucking vampires
Fuck off mate.
Huskies are some of the sweetest dogs.
Not your fault if you're a cunt and they protect their owner
Based dad with his glock
Dumb cunt probably lost control of it. My neighbours husky came into my home once. I was playing some shit and it just came into my living room and sat next to me. Weird experience
Why is it only americans that are unable to train their dogs?
funny how their inferiority complex constantly shows.
this. fuck pitbulls and fuck their retard owners
That's it, I'm buying a glock tomorrow. Just like my favorite movie, All Dogs Go To Hell.
Bang! Bang! Bang!
So what, you just leave your front door open?
>thong for no reason
roasties get what's coming. leash your dog
>dog maulings only happen in the states
why are europoors so obsessed?
Dogs cats it don't matter
All animal lovers are soyboys
>a dangerous dog is left wandering on someone else's property
>guy shoots the animal instead of calling the cops
>the owner, who is a failed woman, sees the animal as her baby
>"my dad killed a pitbull, please like an subscribe"
Just nuke America.
that fucking title
Give the owner a bullet too
>Muh baby so sweet he dindu nuffin his tail was wagging
don't forget to like and subscribe!!!!!!!!!!!!
>desperately said
>Please like plus subscribe
thanks for this giggle m8
You can apply that exact same rhetoric to Pit Bulls though
2 weeks ago two dogs busted through the front door and into the house of a friend of mine. torn the back of her little dog open.
they were neighbours dogs. these people were in the right
he was 100% justified
pitbulls are the nigger of dogs
This is why no one can take women seriously. Who would wear underwear like that even?
Came in through the back. He squeezed through my neighbours gate from what I can tell
>Desperately sad
Fake News.
my cousin is about to go to prison because his pitbull attacked his daughter. ive told him for 20 fuckin years they are savage nigger dogs and he never listened.
thankfully there is only minor scarring because the pitbull was "only playing". wish i could have been the one to bash its brains in with a shovel
Sure, they're generally nice to people, but to other animals, they're killing machines.
they are the niggers of the dog world
Was it an actual bully breed or a terrier pit? It doesn't really matter to the layman, a pit is a pit and I can't blame him for shooting it, but American Terriers aren't the same thing as what people think of when they think "Pit Bull".
I just wish people would learn the distinction.
Pit bulls that are trained right don't turn out aggressive.
I hope you rubbed it in his face.
Then why is it that every video i've seen past 10 years is some whitetrash amerimutt who cant controll his dog?
>Muh staffy is sweet
>Muh owners
They're genetic trash and should be gassed. All variants. There is literally no reason to own one other than being a fucking sub-human nigger or white trash.
Pit bulls are animals of peac....
Women shouldn't be allowed to have big dogs unless they're fucking.
pic on the right looks like a still from a found footage horror flick
should have shot her too
Oh Krager you're so silly.
>nigger defends nigger dog
Really makes me think
that's a bulldog though
Is hating pitbulls a new edgy meme or something? All of you Jeffrey Dahmer- like faggots think it's cool to kill pets? You must live some pretty fucking sad, isolated lives. Honestly do yourselves a favor and just kill yourselves, that way you won't have to go through the daily ostracization from the rest of the world. Fucking losers.
This is the brice of freedom XD
>it’s the owner not the breed!
While this is this is technically true pit bulls are inherently more dangerous than say a lab. I work with animals professionally and pit bulls tend to consistently attract the dumbest, least responsible owners. A lot of them are single, affluent white women around thirty who use them as a stand in for children and love to flaunt that they rescued their dog like it’s some sort of achievement.
The type of people who can afford to take their dogs to training multiple times a week but don’t bother following up at home so their dog makes no progress
lmao it's a pitbull, just kick the little fucker like you would kick a manlet.
>my dad killed a pitbull with his glock. Please like plus subscribe
When did it all go so wrong?
Shut up Krager.
If you don't act responsibly with your dog a pitbull none the less you are neglectful you are saying you don't care enough about the dog to make sure it is not in harms way. If the dog was a child and she let it walk into the middle of the highway and a man had the choice of veering out of the way into oncoming traffic she'd cry it was his fault for killing her child. Large dog's may aswell be cougars or bears in the eyes of children or people who are not used to them, they are large carnivouse beasts with every element of their body design for hunting and killing. She killed her dog, I feel so sad that the animal died but she killed it by deciding it was not her responsibility and being careless.
>you will never be this free
>Is hating pitbulls a new edgy meme or something?
No, it's common sense
i bet you like niggers too, huh soyboy? lol
it entered his house so i'd say yea it's her fault
my dog is a mean cunt and I physically block her from the front door just for the mailman every day, and sleep face to face with it every night
>Even his nigger has more sense than most whiterash in america
Once a pit bull latches onto you they don't let go.
> sweetest
someone post the webm of the husky crushing a smaller dogs head in an asian cafe for what looks like no reason, please
huskies were bred to get their own food and pull sleds, and will fucking START FIGHTS WHILE PULLING A FUCKING SLED. they're literally one step away from wolves
I'm an animal lover and I hate pit bulls.
>most dangerous dog breed by a ridiculous margin
Can't really blame pitbulls for acting retarded, they're bred that way. Just prevent owners from breeding them with other pitts any further. Make the whole breed extinct within a generation. Problem solved.
Better reason than any to get a new dog.
Sure buddy, we'll see about that.
New? Fuck no. Only drug dealers and stupid people get pitbulls
they were literally bred for generations to be aggressive. every single time a pitbull attacks someone the owner is like "omg i cant believe they would ever do this!". fucking idiots
It's only a killing machine if you are a bad trainer. It's not the animals fault they have shit owners, i'm tired of this stale meme.
>All of you Jeffrey Dahmer- like faggots think it's cool to kill pets?
When they rip people's faces off on a semi-regular basis, yes.
>eurocucks getting triggered
top fucking kek
He wuz a gud boy
God living in America must suck. It seems like no matter what you do or where you go, black people attack you. Why do you guys put up with that?
Dogs are basically nigger-tier pets. They're all instinctively rabid carnivores that will break the domesticated facade they've cultivated throughout the years and chimp out on an unsuspecting child/smaller dog.
Get a normal pet, like a Hamster or a cat.
He dindu nuffin
Dude had every right to put it down.
I've owned 2 pitbulls and you don't give them the same liberties as normal dogs. This bitch is an idiot for letting it roam.
Lmao at this soyboy
fuck off with your /an/ memes
pitbulls, german shepherds, and huskies are the niggers of the dog world
don't let soyboys tell you different
>he doesn’t know labs are the most statistically likely to bite humans
Really makes you think
thats the whole point of dogs
Good maybe dog owners will learn to put a leash on their killing machines if more gun owners act as this brave man did.
pets don't have to be trained not to be killing machines retard. and 99% of owners have no idea how to train them. look up dog attack statistics. they're all pitbulls and rottweilers
very true but hamsters and cats are for pussies. just get a non-shit dog breed
People in the south don't support any sort of animal protection or rights.
People treat animals like fucking garbage here.
Number one reason I plan on moving somewhere else. It's just sickening.
pitbulls are far more capable and likely to do real damage though
>Animal literally bred for hundreds of years to be bred to be fearless, aggressive and bloodthirsty
>Lol, it has nothing to do with the dog!
The absolute state of pitbull owners
Ironic you say that, because killing pets is literally nigger- tier. You lack empathy because you were never shown any love.
because like three quarders of dog owners have labs?
we get plenty of love from white women, silly white boy
This is why I own two of these little retards. They'll just lick you to death if anything.
Pit Bulls are the niggers of dogs.
nice one Sup Forumsfaggot hope that pajeet actually does destroy the Internet so you faggots will be removed from the Internet after the Soymen get together and realize they have the right to correct all wrongthink. BASED!
All pets that weigh over 15lb are for degenerate naturist losers. I don't want a shitting and pissing machine. If I wanted one I'd get some broad pregnant.
What if you roll over her in your sleep and she gets angry and starts gnawing on your face
On one hand i really hate people with guns that get trigger happy around dogs so easily, but on the other hand fuck pitbulls in general.
Not sure how to feel about it. Indifferent i suppose.
fuck pitbulls, they need to be exterminated. only trash like them.
guns are killing machines and have no emotions unlike dogs, but i bet your faggot asses will defend having those to hell won't you?
>it's a dog thread on Sup Forums
>same posts, same exact arguments
Bump limit, here we go
inb4 go to back your capeshit threads
Soyboy detected
There’s only one dog breed I’ve consistently never seen a nice one and that’s a fucking chow. Fuck chows and everyone that owns one. Capable owners can’t even properly train them