Do Americans seriously clap in theaters and think it is acceptable/a good thing? I honestly thought it was a joke but I keep seeing people using this as an example of why you should see a movie. I'm being 100% serious and want American opinions on this.
Do Americans seriously clap in theaters and think it is acceptable/a good thing...
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I've never encountered it personally besides at the midnight release to the 7th Harry Potter. Shit is annoying and I hate it.
I saw Mortal Kombat in theaters when it came out and that was the peak of hollering and clapping I've ever seen in my life. Everybody lost their shit during the Scorpion vs. Cage fight, I wish I could back in time.
I see it every once in a while, but that's also because I watch movies at the Arclight Hollywood, so I always assume some grip or assistant editor is applauding either themselves or their coworkers in the theater. Still ultra-cringey, but understandable.
For the record, Munich is based. The hotel bombing scene was gnarly as fuck.
I've only encountered cheers and applause on opening nights and premiers. People are just hyped as fuck, American opening nights are insane for big movies like Star Wars or Avengers.
I never have experienced it any other time though, even with big movies.
why don't you focus on your own shitty country instead of obsessing with America
When I went to see TFA opening night and some dumb fucking American students stood up and start clapping the Lucasfilm logo and during the opening crawl
They were toward the front too so a bunch of people behind missed the opening text
Some people got really angry at them and soon everybody else told them to shut the fuck up and sit down, which they did
Honestly I hate watching movies with Americans
fun fact, I saw Thor 1 in London during a trip and people clapped at that part where he gets almost killed by the robot thing but then becomes costumed-Thor in a big tornado.
last movie i can think of where people clapped was when the dog jumps into the alley during independence day
also the post is just masturbation material for scummy journos and liberals, WaPo is owned by amazon who recieves CIA funding
that's what happens when you don't have stadium seating
seriously European theatres are fucking pleb tier.
Because I've literally only heard of this phenomenon in America. maybe it's confirmation bias. I live in Canada and the most I've seen in terms of inappropriate theater behavior was some literal retard making noises during star wars. Granted, a lot of the time when I go to theaters it's pretty dead due to not living in a huge city. I want to know peoples honest opinions on whether this is a common thing.
>last movie i can think of where people clapped was when the dog jumps into the alley during independence day
I was a kid when that movie came out and I still get hyped during that scene and when Will Smith knocks out the alien. Rest of the movie is kinda bland nowadays.
Last time I heard claps (granted I don't attend many opening nights) was when Hulk abruptly started to trash Loki side to side.
Also when Thor was making his speech and gets sidelined by Iron Man.
Honestly I didn't mind, I was in a big as fuck theater and it only added to the atmosphere. Also The Avengers being a popcorn flick didn't hurt, it's not like you had to pay close attention.
Clapping during a movie? What's next, laughing audibly?
I'm American when my family went to watch the first Avengers movie there were a lot of people standing up and clapping and people actually went to the staff and complained and they got kicked out they were fine with it since they already watched it, now what pisses me off is that they already watched the film and came back and started clapping again for what I think were the same scenes and it just pissed me off we were just trying to watch and these dumb asses just kept interrupting
Side theater note, does anyone else get pissed when theaters have semi-reclining seats? I'm a big guy and half the time when I'm in a theater and there are people in front of me they will lean back into my knees and I don't want to make a scene but it's annoying as fuck. I purposely have to stop myself from relaxing backwards for fear of doing it to someone else. Just make your fucking seats stay upright.
I don't get that it's not like it's a fucking airline you're just going to be sitting for like that max of what 3 hours you can't sit up right like wtf
not everyone is obese so no.
Americans clap at everything. They're like retarded seals.
I'm tall retard, being fat doesn't make your legs longer.
tall and obese
We literally held a prayer vigil after watching American Sniperâ„¢ in my theater, although it was a catholic prayer because most of the theater was mexican, they still cried with me.
Lol you held a prayer vigil for Bradley Cooper, Chris Kyle was hardly like that in real life, he was an asshole.
ur point?
bong here, when I saw the force awakens a couple of numales and their token female started clapping and cheering at the end. Nearly the whole cinema literally started openly laughing at them and they quickly stopped. Best part of the film tbqh
there was this one time where this guy got out of his seat and kept jumping down until he reached the bottom and just started yelling out Niggers are shit and like all of these black guys started chasing him out
People clapped when the mighty ducks won when I saw it in the theater
It could be worse, user. Much worse.
No its a meme for the most part
There are two times I remember any type of clapping
>Twilight New Moon date where some other guys started cheering as a joke at the beginning because like me they were dragged there
>The end of a movie called Amazing Grace because my grandmother really loved a movie with no sex/violence where a good Christian saved the day. She and some other people clapped for like ten seconds at the end credits and went home
No Americans dont clap at every movie, applause is supposed to be reserved at the end of one of the greatest movies you have ever seen and out swept up to your feet by it at the end
This guy is being an idiot in sucking up to WaPo masturbation by acting like its a movie any Americans would give a shit about
I honestly don't mind this. Bollywood films are specifically designed to just be entertaining trash that the audience can have a fun time with.
Now clapping for shit like star wars like it's high art, that's the real cringe
I've never seen it during the movie, maybe a bit of clapping with some oohs and ahhs, but in general I've only seen clapping right at the end credits.
Obese "film blogger" sucking the cock of a studio movie that praises integrity in journalism. Probably paid under the table to tweet this. The absolute state of the media.
Yes and I wish they would stop because the noise upsets my falcon.
Episode VII was the first movie I've seen where people cheered/clapped in the theatre. Basically anything Han related. It was mostly a couple groups in the upper rows.
It happens all the fucking time in America, also talking at the screen like the characters are real people. Also literally 90% of the people are on their phones so if you sit in the back you can see a sea of lit-up phone screens. They're all playing dumb games on them because most people in this country have no attention span left.
Wow definitely not going to America anytime soon.
its called being emotive
everyone is well aware of the fact that the characters cant hear them
Americans clap when doors open on Black Friday after standing in line for 24 hours, it's like their thing
What ghetto do you live in? I very very rarely experience this.
I thought only Indians act like a monkey in cinema? Literally what's wrong with Americans? Saturated at deposits on the brain I suppose
>Spielberg's best film since Munich
opinion discarded
the most ive ever heard was some fat bitch who let out a ''woo!'' when darth vader appeared in rogue one, she quickly quietened down though when no one else did anything and must have felt everyone looking at what a retard she was
thank god i dont live in the united claps of ameriburger and can enjoy kino in peace
>my audience
as if it wasn't obvious enough this guy needs attention
Believe that’s called a Thornado friend
but did they have to throw their feces at the screen when the bad guy was in frame?
My earliest clapping memory was when the Ring was destroyed and Sauron's fortress fell. It's grown exponentially worse with the coming of Marvel trash and "such a nerd xD" becoming mainstream
You can be sure that an immense level of decibels will be achieved through all sorts of clapping/hollering/yelling at the screen on the opening day of this flick right here.
I'm actually afraid, I mean I don't think it's going to be great, but I fucking hate it when retards think it's okay to applaud in the theater. It always starts with 1 or 2 guys testing the waters, and if there isn't someone beside them shushing them more people join in the next big moment and then by the end everyone will be posting on facebook at the "great experience I just had seeing Star Wars!" and they will assume since everyone clapped that it is amazing and "this is what Star Wars is all about, people coming together!".
Holy shit my fucking sides
My apartment neighbor claps while watching NFL. Loudly, lile a goddamn seal. Just clapping to express joy at the TV.
people that recline their seats on an airplane or train are even worse
>These American threads at 5 AM on the east coast
we're a country of 300 million people where every shit hole suburban town has a movie theater. there will be clapping and other such noises in large gatherings, I'm sorry this scares and offends the delicate elven folk of yourope.
Australians occasionally do it too. Happened after seeing Avatar and something else more recent but I can't remember what it was.
It's a sign that your culture is reaching rock bottom intelligence. Unless you're at a premiere and the film creators are actually present, you're literally clapping at nobody. It's basically schizophrenia.
does anyone have the youtube video based on the american cinemas meme? with the no-singles policy, the mandatory shooter and the claps?