Nazi Arrow and Nazi Supergirl want to conquer Earth-1

>Nazi Arrow and Nazi Supergirl want to conquer Earth-1
>Thawne is just here to fuck with Barry some more

Why does Eobard continue to be the most based character in the Arrowverse?

Would have made better sense if they got the proper Eobard actor but I guess he was busy.

Mick Rory is the best for me though. "I came to drink beer, eat food, and burn Nazis."

>2-night crossover event

So the crossover is only 1 episode of Supergirl and Flash?

Arrow has been moved to the post-Supergirl timeslot for this week and Legends airs after Flash

They've put Supergirl and The Flash on one night, tomorrow is Arrow and Legends of Tomorrow.

It is unironically better than JL too.

Is that Metallo? Love that fucker always wished he was the main villain for a Superman movie.

Yeah, but it was Rapist League level CGI. I prefer the guy fucking Megan Fox.

That said, do I see Nazi (Red) Tornado on that poster?

Has he even been introduced into the Arrowverse canon??

Think red tornado was a bad guy on supergirl, not sure because I don’t watch any of these anymore

You don't want to go down that path of knowledge

It'll only lead to pain

this was better than the justice league movie