No joke this is the official Gook poster for Black Panther

No joke this is the official Gook poster for Black Panther.

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Disney is secretly redpilled on race

Why do chinks get the better looking poster

wonder if they've changed the title
I cannot read madarin or whatever that language is

They call it The Panther.

>fucking niggers think worst marvel movie will wash our minds

Looks like Chinese or possibly Cantonese.

Why didn't they just use this as the regular poster? We already know who plays him. With the mask it looks pretty cool

If BP fails at the BO it would be the end of the world.


It will make 350M+ in the US and ~300M worldwide

that's a good poster desu

it wont fail, it has America to fall back on. they love these movies

not sure if this is the official final title, but the first character is literally the Mandarin/traditional symbol for the color black. so I dunno why they tried to be sly with the mask but not with the title.

thanks, so the title hasn't changed. maybe theyre hoping chinese will refer to the suit as black

It might flop internationally, but it never had a JUSTice League tier budget to begin with

Lol it will flop internationaly, evryone hates blacks outside the US

This movie's budget will be nowhere near what Justice League's is. So even if it doesn't make as much it'll be more profitable

Weird prediction. No modern Marvel movie has been even close to making less money overseas. It'll probably see its business take a hit from the competition of Monster Hunt 2, first Monster Hunt broke all kinds of records in Ching Hamida lands, but it'll do okay. Better than Dr. Strange domestic, but not as good overseas. I'd say $300 million domestic, $400 million overseas.


Explain why Homecoming made $550 million Overseas

Nigga be Armed!

is spiderman black?

Robert Downey Jr. It rode the high from Civil War. These Marvel movies seem to go in waves. When a really popular, high profile, well-received one comes out, it creates good feelings that linger for the next releases. Then it starts lagging a bit until the next big Avengers / Civil War one comes along.

I don't get it. It looks like a typical capeshit poster

It literally says Black Panther, 黑豹 hēibào

Antman got 500 M 2 years ago, at best will be something like that, I think will be 350-400, Is something interesting released in February?

They removed the black guy from it

Black movies are less marketable overseas, but I think Black Panther is different because it isn't a "black movie" in the African-American sense. You have a really hard time convincing international audiences to give a shit about Next Friday and Soul Plane hallaluyer kind of movies, but Black Panther is about an actual African in Africa. Some black African fucking shit up in Africa is an easier sell, especially when it's Marvel.

>put on the trailer
>disgusting niggeer rap starts playing
Droped it right there. Seriosly if it was some african beats i can go along with we wuz super africans ans shit.

it doesnt even have a china release date yet. it will probably be released a couple of months later after Marlel makes a cut more suitable for china

>it isn't a "black movie" in the African-American sense
>rap "music" in the trailer

Well, look how it's marketed overseas. Still rap music in the end, but I think the trailer gives a different impression than the US version:


The suit in the Chinese one looks more vibrant and kind of purple

There's a release date of Feb 13 on the poster

>releasing on valentines day wknd
america gonna lap this up. bit of cuck and fuck

Release date is literally on the poster you mong

my mistake. Im sorry friends

>outside the US


I mean, it's a really different trailer. It even has a picture of the black guy when the voiceover says "the conquered" and cuts to the white bad guy swinging around and firing when it says "and the conquerer." It almost gives the impression that you're supposed to be rooting for the white guys.

What the fuck is going on in this poster?

Maybe because his costume is black retard.

Do Chinese just go out of the cinema once they'll see a black character or something?

He looks like the Pepe-smelling-his-own-farts meme.

It's Monster Hunt, was the highest grossing movie in China ever for a while. Humans and monsters share the earth, live together, humans chase away monsters, blahblahblah. The movie is that some girl gets pregnant with Monster Queen's baby and needs to team up with some guy to protect it from humans and monsters trying to kill it. Chinks love it more than they love Fast and Furious movies.

*some dude

Dude gets pregnant with the monster baby, not the chick. Sorry, my bad.


IF I wasn't so politically correct I'd say that these chinese fellers have some subhuman as fuck taste but thankfully I'm better than that

The thing to remember about China is they modernized super recently, even compared to Japan, and their population is huge. There are like 1.3 billion people in China, and maybe 200 million are really modern folks, maybe 300 million at the most, leaving over a billion backward rubes who aren't even housetrained.

LOL so they're literally trying to trick them into watching it?

Civil War made over $200 million in China. I'm pretty sure they already know he's black

>europe hates black people

So what should we call you?

CW has like 3 brack people
BP has like 100 brack people

Fuck off chink

I'm sorry Sup Forums but it'll make money in China. You were wrong about wonder woman, right about justice league, but wrong again about this. Maybe your slogan should be

>Sup Forums is sometimes right!

white women are made for asian cock

man you people will complain about anything, who fucking cares

Couldn't they at least use the actual mask?

explain why he's wearing a mask and there's literally nobody else on the poster.

But I thought Chad was the most popular actor in China?

>it will
so you have no idea how it's going to do but you're already claiming we're wrong. it's not going to do well. I don't think it will tank by any means but BP is not a big name for non-comic book nerds, majority black casts tend to not do so well and there's already signs in the market that comic book movie bubble is about to burst. What exactly is your argument that it will do well?

good christ the studios have no shame, do they?

>the side character who was in a total of like 5 scenes in civil war
>most popular actor anywhere other than his grandma's household
I get that they're taking a pretty big risk with this flick and that as a result they have to market quite aggressively, but there are ways to do it without insulting the average movie-goers intelligence.

Cantonese IS chinese. Mandarin and cantonese both use the same characters to write.
Generally speaking Mandarin is spoken in the north (and Taiwan) while cantonese is southerly.

"Diversity Panther" is the official title for contries outside US.

The faker
Thats not even krager's trip. Krager's trip is #KSTEW4EVER

This is the UK trailer, right?? They're emphasizing Andy Serkis and Martin Freeman is all, since they're bigger stars there, I think. It's not like there aren't blacks/Africans in England.

I predict that black panther will be the lowest grossing marvel film since captain america: the first avenger


>actual WE on the suit
is this shit real?

the memes have started to leak into the ether and are now manipulating the past. this is all your fault btw you baneposting nigger

Written both Cantonese and Mandarin look similar and with same characters. So everyone can read the same thing. Even though each language is as different to eachother as Turkish and English

>most black people live inside the US

>the memes have started
They had already seeped into the fabric of reality since long

how will he react to this flick?

Africa has no theaters to play it in user

>explain why he's wearing a mask

based Sup Forums priorities

if i took that off would it flop?

Men In Black 3 got 77 million in China alone and grossed 445 million overseas
The Hitman's bodyguard was most popular in China and did 100 million overseas
Hateful Eight 100 million overseas
Django did 260 million oversaeas
Hancock got 400 million overseas
Suicide Squad did 420 million overseas
Pursuit of Happyness was most popular in Japan overseas
I, Robot was most popular in Japan and did 200 million overseas
After Earth flopped in the US but was a hit in China and most popular, doing 180 million overseas

Makes me think, thanks for the bold prediction Sup Forums, you have to go back now.

Disney loves shekels more.

Sup Forumseddit BTFO




all for the money

Will Smith is not black!

They're using it in the UK, yeah, but if you're a chink looking at trailers, that's the one you'll find. If you search《黑豹》that' what you'll find.


>It almost gives the impression that you're supposed to be rooting for the white guys.

if your a fascist yeah


Well we sure as hell don't care about them that's for sure.

based Brits

Hollywood movies are made for foreign audiences m8

don't care enough to not see a movie

Not many people care about the movie here in Europe and most people have probably never even heard of it. I'd honestly be surprised if (in my country at least) Black Panther made more money than BR2049.

What? That's crazy.


>Disney's logic
Just fucking cover his face and hopefully the Chinks won't know he is a nigger.

There is literally nothing wrong with this poster

>I don't think it will tank by any means but BP is not a big name for non-comic book nerds, majority black casts tend to not do so well and there's already signs in the market that comic book movie bubble is about to burst. What exactly is your argument that it will do well?

Not him, but i think the only real problem would be the majority black cast.

But still we are talking about Marvel Studios here, they are about as anti-just as it gets, they managed to make bank on guardians of the galaxy and ant man.

not a single film listed with a majority black cast. funny that

The downside is that there are tens of thousand characters to learn. But these days people often use simplified Chinese with only 8,105 characters in their "alphabet".

I have seen chinese people use a keyboard, but I don't understand what they are doing. Apparently they have access to all of them on a normal keyboard.

Lights and hands. I mean look at his hands.

>Movies with black leads and blacks supporting extras who occupy 90% of the film don't count because there are technically more whites
>This is the best retort Sup Forums could come back with
Name a single big-budget blockbuster with a majority black cast in your eyes, then, I'll wait.