I can't be the only person excited for this kino right? Reviews are calling it a masterpiece.
Call Me By Your Name
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>thinking reviewers will ever give an unbiased review of Cannes-bait faggot movies
Why are they so close? Are they gay?
Why wouldn't they?
nice shill thread kid, did you miss the other thread on the front page about this or something
I bet the fag yms loves it. He will alway rate fagfilms higher.
The dude has sex with a girl in the trailer but then I guess he gets groomed by the alpha male and becomes gay for him.
Either way looks like a beautiful film.
Cannes is generally anti-gay, but you'd know that if you weren't a mouthbreathing Sup Forumstard
>Based on an acclaimed novel, CALL ME BY YOUR NAME exudes a lyrical style. Beautifully photographed, it tries to uplift its sordid story by stressing the pseudo-intellectual traits of its empty-headed characters. Ultimately, CALL ME BY YOUR NAME confuses lust with love. As such, it’s one of the most explicit, abhorrent mainstream movies of the year, homosexual or heterosexual. CALL ME BY YOUR NAME is a movie designed for and made by misguided, agenda-driven people with a warped, confused sense of art and a warped, delusional mind.
Christians hate it.
Does it have explicit gay sex scenes? Like the male version of Blue is the Warmest Color?
this. i want to see Armie 69ing that cute boipucci
Wait.. oh the older more masculine guy is shorter?? Huge turnoff! Why can't every gay movie have 1 guy like Griffith and 1 guy like Guts? It's not hard! No mirror image grossness opposites are still sexy with gay stuff...
He's totally not, Armie is like 6'5
How graphic is it? Are there any decent shots of Armie Hammer eating the twink's ass before flipping him over and pounding him raw?
what is boipucci some big guy at the gym who slapped my butt said something about that and then he looked straight at me. He called me a twinkie on the day he slapped my butt. I just turn red around him
it means you are cute user! CUTE!
Does it? He's such a big masculine guy though he doesn't seem like he's into boys...Maybe it's all a joke? Are big guys like that into small guys like me?
of course, it's the most patrician pairing
The way you say he looked straight at you all serious after slapping your twinkie ass and talking about your boipucci leads me to believe it was not just a bro prank and he is probably gay and wants to fuck you
He has a big grin when he said the boipucci thing (do I say boy poochy? he said boy pussy) and I didnt know what that was I thought he was calling me a pussy... also I don't want sex before marriage and love...
Well you'd better get ready for the gay wedding then because he's coming to fuck you in the ass, twinkie
>some big guy
Yall niggas ruined my thread w/ that gay shit baka
I haven't seen the film yet so IDK how graphic it is but it's rated R so I imagine there are some sex scenes.
I'm guessing it was the peach scene that pushed it to R, maybe.