>American late night “””””entertainment”””””””
American late night “””””entertainment”””””””
based Catholic
based colbert triggering the soyboy Sup Forumstards
Colbert right now is everything he used to sneer at Republicans for thinking the left was.
Well they will become the minority for sure. So why are you upset OP?
Because as white people diminish in demographics, the left grows observably more hateful towards them.
It's Okay To be Non-White
This is what happens when your father and brothers die in a plane crash and you're left with your mother and sisters.
Enjoy being Brazil with 50x more guns stupid amerisharts.
we'll still have a better economy and quality of life then your gay little country.
>all problems are because of white people
I can't tell if this is naive or stupidily optimistic
the ultimate soyboy
Brazil is quite a big gay country
It's just plain old racial hatred. White people have been conditioned to look the other way when it happens to them, though.
It's grim but your right.
What bothers me most is that these people won't be alive to see it. They won't get to see how wrong they were when they die.
They'll go down as fools and cowards, that'll have to be enough.
Why doesn't he (and every other "wi pipo is evil" celebrity) just move to a country that is already run and inhabited by nothing but brown people?
If I was living in a brown country and hated the natives, I'd be booking the first plane ticket out of there.
>a country run by blacks
>good economy and qol
hmmmm, i wounder what could (((Colbert))) mean by that?
everything will be the same, people will be slightly darker in pigment.
are Sup Forums soyboys? are know none of them are white
it was all part of the plan
no, you wont. escape why you can
>rapid change in population makeup
>everything will be the same
Wh*tes are the reason we got Trump in first place.
Nobody is saying whites are evil you poltard. A lot of American whites have deluded into thinking that brown people are out to get them.
Not when the country ends up getting run by Mexicans.
Australia already has a better quality of life though.
the blueprint for a functioning society is already laid out, all they have to do is follow it
mexicans only go to texas and california which is already their rightful clay. nothing will change. idk why yurocunts have such a hard time understanding US geography and populations.
a change of what?
ITT people who are either Sup Forums or don't know that The Daily Caller is a nutball right wing "news" site
Why should I not want my descendants to look like I do? I look like my ancestors did.
>south africa
Very interesting and nuanced argument nigger.
Tell that to Zimbabwe and Brazil
>bird eating spiders
>war with emus
My fellow Amerilard can not be THIS delusional.
We'll be Haiti-tier given another 100 years sprinting down the path we're heading towards.
Why is Mexico so shit then?
>following anything but the line for more GIBS ME DATS
They wont
because mexicans are retards
south africa says hello
How quaintly naive ...
Explain why Detroit and Chicago are crime infested shitholes?
>don't live in the desert
>don't be a bird
>shhh they're watching.
>Any Latin American country
You're dreadfully optimistic.
>for sure
No, we’re not at that point yet. Reducing immigration would do a lot.
Yesss yess goy everything will be the same.
Explain why West Virginia is an poor inbred shithole
I've seen videos of sandstorms sweeping through cities, fuck that
Have you taken a look at South Africa?
By every objective measure ending Apartheid was a huge mistake.
And they're rapidly taking over your country. Enjoy a majority meximut, a few part negros and a tiny minority rich whites, just like Brazil.
All it takes is the leaches to outweigh the productive members of society and it all comes tumbling down.
Look at Sweden's fall from #1 HDI to like 15th in 10 years.
"This." isn't an upvote, friend.
What the fuck does sub-saharan africa have anything to do U.S. You do realize that a majority of U.S. immigrants are high I.Q. asians right?
Because they cut themselves off from the rest of Virginia, because muh Union
They're descendants of the British underclass
did he died?
>What the fuck does sub-saharan africa have anything to do U.S.
Because it was a successful State that was absolutely destroyed by demographic shift.
In fairness passing on experience is a two way street and I'm sure colonists were less eager to teach than locals were to learn
The majority are spics.
>You do realize that a majority of U.S. immigrants are high I.Q. asians right?
Yes those 60 million high IQ Asians from Mexico and Guatemala
It's a landlocked mountainous region whose only resource is coal. The terrain makes it undesirable to travel through and it has nothing anybody wants.
They absolutely were interested in teaching the locals how to do menial work like maintain infrastructure, what the fuck are you talking about?
Why were black activists in the past so based compared to the bullshit that is going on right now?
Muhammad Ali unabashedly admitted that he wanted his children to look like him and that any sane person of any sane race would say the same.
I have lived in america before and I must say that you can only have a proper quality of life over there if you are rich. The standards of life provided by the government are shit since it doesn't secure anything
>no proper health care system
>no job security
>no social security system
I have lived on three continents and so far, only Europe has not failed on all three points. Cry "refugees!!!" all you want but that won't change the fact that america is inherently flawed. I think that all will be even worse if the amount of white people gets reduced because at least black culture contributes to the decay of society in america