how are you holding up Sup Forums?
How are you holding up Sup Forums?
not good.
Not good
Honestly? Not too good.
Running out of time.
Decent I suppose.
Been getting better, my self essteem is up, life and college is moving up
what's the matter bros?
24 year old neet virgin
I feel myself coming apart at the seams
things that used to keep me going like movies and making music don't do anything for me anymore
Damn you all really that upset?
i'm good right now. just landed a new job.
runnin outta time.
Have you tried drugs?
with a browning automatic. I am holding up banks.
I smoekd weed everyday between 19-22 but I lost my one connection
shame because I really loved weed
Started taking antidepressants, cut out booze and weed and booked a therapist
Still fucking miserable and can barely sleep tho
What do you do now?
I feel like I'm being buried alive.
I know that I'll kill myself soon, within a year or two most likely. No one cares about me, anyone that did has abandoned me to live in their self indulgence.
For the record I love this website and everyone on it. At least I have my collection kino to keep me company.
Has your mind changed? I smoked once or twice a week for almost a year
Try getting a job. Of course you’re depressed if you spend all day at home only interacting with people on the internet. Go outside.
Hang in there i have gotten cleaned and gone back to booze and drugs many times
can't get a job and haven't had a job for almost 2 years whitch have led to me feeling ashamed of myself whitch leed to me not talking to anyone because i don't want them to ask me what i do for a living and stuff, it has also given me Social Anxiety and now it's pretty hard for me to even go out shopping and even harder to get a job. I feel lost in so many ways
How can you go shopping if you dont have a job ? What was your previous job?
I've been depressed since I was about 12
school just made it easier for it to fly under the radar
my brain doesn't work. It doesn't matter how much I do or exercise. the only thing that has ever worked was drugs and alcohol
I'm slowly getting fit and I'm supposed to start a new job within two weeks.
But I'm still ugly, still have horrible teeth, almost 30, haven't had a gf in a year and a half, only one single friend in the entire world and we barely talk anymore.
Why can’t you get a job? Clearly you can type and are not completely incoherent. Sounds to me that you’re making an excuse which is just going to keep you unhappy. I don’t believe people who say they just cannot get a job with no real reason.
not good senpai. I need you to hold me T.T
Not good. Bought my first pc components for my build while they were on sale but i have no way of testing them for another month at least. If any of them are DOA i am fucked and won't be able to return to store
Quitting cigarettes, day 2.
Nicotine patch is helping but I didn't sleep at all last night. Can't wait for this to be all over. Thank God I have weed.
Ended up watching Train To Busan for the first time last night, it was great.
Your brain clearly works because you are typing in coherent sentences. You’re underselling yourself. Go get a job that doesn’t require intense social interaction and slowly get yourself back into the world. You are not going to get better behind closed doors.
>tfw sobering up
send help
anonymous conversation where I can clearly state my thoughts is a lot different than irl
I've been to job interviews and people actually come off thinking I'm retarded because I can barely put a sentence together
Stay strong breh, 6 months in here.
I doubt anyone believes you are retarded. Awkward maybe. But it is your own mind and anxiety that is making it worse. Talk to a professional maybe to start. You’re obviously not retarded maybe some anxiety medicine could help. Or smoke some indica weed. Could help.
Some days are better than others.
It's been over ten years since I've had a real job. I'm my grandmother's caretaker so it gives me some semblance of a purpose.
I hoard things I want to do to give me something to look forward to. Movies, shows, anime, games, etc.
I went to Japan for the first time recently, and I'm thinking about all the things I want to do. I worry about what I'll do when I'm done with that list. It's not that long, and I doubt I have the courage to kill myself.
If I think about the number of people I've disappointed in my lifetime I could probably collect enough despair to finally end it all. Maybe one day.
no im not completely incoherent, but i just think that i've had big hopes for my future and now everything is just falling down, with problems, unhappiness, depression and anxiety. I keep trying to fill my brain with positive thoughts but it just doesn't work
In fairness to you (and to me) I've been to job interviews which absolutely fucking incensed me because of how obviously the interviewing party was a fucking retard.
Kinda tough to be honest. It's hard meeting other filmmakers in Vancouver that don't want to do some shitty 1 minute artsy short film.
Feels like shit. I just failed the entry exam of one of the most prestigious colleges in my country so I’ll probably have to settle down for one that’s lower in quality. To add salt to the wound, I actually entered said college some 5 years ago, but i couldn’t keep going because it was around the same time my depression started showing its ugly head.
I also have no friends, no gf and I hate my job. The only good thing i have going is that i fuck random women from tinder occasionally.
It's not so bad user because I get to shitpost with you.
>I'm my grandmother's caretaker so it gives me some semblance of a purpose.
if it's any consolation you're handling your situation better than I am. I got trapped/stuck with my mom, who's dying with CPOD but taking her fucking sweet time about it. we've said far too many unforgivable things to each other for our relationship ever to recover and I'm largely beyond caring
Fuck, I know that feel man. The same thing goes with uni. I am on the verge of dropping out because I'm ashamed to show up and confront people with my falling behind and disappointing everyone around me.
This thing began to encroach outside uni too. I am loosing touch with some really good people, just because I feel like an absolute looser when I'm around them.
I have just spent entire night trying to catch up with my projects and I failed to get anything done again. I want to whip out that spell that Hermiona used on her parents when she was going away, get my backpack and just vanish into mountain mist.
>The only good thing i have going is that i fuck random women from tinder occasionally
You must be a good looking guy
Working full time is hell
I'm hurting pretty bad over here...
>get my backpack and just vanish into mountain mist.
That's a large part of my plan for suicide. The rest involves taking powerful sedatives in quantity and freezing to death.
Damn man there are a lot of depressed people on this board. Unfortunate. I don’t completely understand it but I feel for you guys. Keep your head up.
I’m a 28 year old alcoholic whose love of their life died about 5 months ago... but even I am still a pretty happy guy. And no it’s not the alcohol I’ve been drinking heavily since I was 20 or so.
Had me mum's funeral today. It was shite there weren't no wifi and her paki husband tried setting one of me da's on fire.
I came to the epiphany that I have had an irrational fear of losing or damaging my personal belongings (toys, pets, save files, accounts, money, etc) all my life and many of my life choices, anxieties, and failures were in some way influenced by fears derived from this phobia. And all of it I think stems from losing a teddy bear when I was very young.
This is fucking with my head and I can't sleep.
>I get a lot of puss and almost got into one of the most prestigious colleges in my country
Nice humble bragging bro, a bit too obvious though
>I’m a 28 year old alcoholic whose love of their life died about 5 months ago
so you're a romantic figure. if you're good looking I think I'll hate you
I've got a job, house and car but spend all my free time posting stupid shit online. Not really sure where to go from here.
I’m meeting up with a tinder girl today. Wish me luck
Not really. i personally consider myself a 7/10, 8/10 in a really good day. I mostly get lucky and get matched with horny thots or women that i have at least something in common when it comes to music, films, books etc. I also don’t spill my spaghetti when talking to women in real life, so that’s a plus, but at the same time i’m really misanthropic and don’t actually give a fuck about these people.