Who would you say is the more interesting character? Bilbo or Frodo?

Who would you say is the more interesting character? Bilbo or Frodo?


Tom Bobadil.

Fatty Bolger

Bilbo. Even though the Hobbit movies were bad, he's more flawed, likeable and undergoes actual character development.

Proper chaotic good thief.

His tale isn't so grand as to make him seem like a "chosen one" despite being one chosen for a thing.
He seems more natural and 3 dimensional, though I'm basing this on the books.
All I remember from the film was that lego last got level drained somewhere between the hobbit and LOTR.
Also, that massive furnaces are a thing, and using a kid as a stabiliser for a giants dragonslayer longbow doesn't decapitate the kid.

nope, martin freeman can't do likeable

well all frodo does is complain and fall down

He is likable himself


I would say Bilbo is more interesting than Frodo and book Frodo > movie Frodo.

Bilbo, definitely. Reading through the books now and realising Frodo’s characterisation is just kinda empty. If he were female everyone would call him a Mary Sue. His character is what you get if you pick the default dialogue response every time.


Movie Bilbo>Frodo>Book Bilbo

Movie Bilbo actually has a spine (at least in Hobbit) whereas in the book he was a sniveling coward.

bilbo literally was taking a vaccation

frodo suffered all those years it took him to get rid of the ring

Bilbo was a chad who could withstand the ring's power for 60 years. Frodo was a virgin who couldn't even drop it into a volcano with his faggot buddy carrying him.

it wasn't about the duration retard

Frodo had it for some years, IIRC

Tbqh Tolkien doesn't really write many interesting/human characters, that's not the strength of his work.

in the books easilly bilbo.

its actually kind of cool how in the LOTR everyone talks about bilbo like hes some legend like gandalf.


frodo got it when he was 33 I think and left when he was 60 something?

>chad bilbo vs virgin frodo

hes just a genuine story teller.
not some guy that writes t.v. shows with character arcs. He mystifies people.



>moviekids think they can answer this

Why haven't you read LotR yet, user?


These two posters really illustrate the gap in quality of the movies. I know this is off-topic, but Frodo looks like a fucking Renaissance painting and Bilbo looks confused as to whether he’s holding his sword correctly. I know that’s in-character for Bilbo but I highly doubt it’s intentional.

I read the Hobbit and LOTR when I was in like 6th grade. Not the hardest material, just takes forever for a kid.

This never would have happened if he just used the eagles to fly over mt doom