Fuck you I liked it
Fuck you I liked it
>Why Marvel will always be better than DC
It's a fun video, yes.
So, even as a random 70s lady, not Nebula, Karen can't take a stick out of her ass and not frown for the whole thing.
How will DC handle this scene ?
Who is that blondy ?
I didn't learn parenting, my daddy was a planet!
I though procyon lotor is a made up word, before I googled it.
it's a pout dip shit
>mantis actress even hotter out of costume
I haven't watched any fucking Marvel movie since the 2nd Avengers and I still liked it
It's like comic books are supposed to be fun and enjoyable. Who would've thought.
Hahah it’s le quirky retro parody of a decade I have no real experience of ha ha ha xD
>marvel is now ripping off shitty Kickstarter flicks like Kung Fury
I stopped watching marvel after the shit show that was Civil War...looks like I didn't make a mistake
Comic books are utter garbage though. I've read what I could of silk, spider-gwen and spiderverse. It was positively horrendous. Retarded plot, vomit-inducing dialogues and monologues, terrible inconsistent tumblr-tier art. And NO story consistency, none. Who's that character and what the hell they talking about? Read another comic called "spider verse". You want to know what happens next after that massive apocalypses cliffhanger? Read "secret war". Why plot thread of the previous issue was unresolved and we're suddenly thrown into another completely unrelated story? Because it's a crossover with fantastic 4, read F4 issue №FUCK YOU.
It's like this tripe was really written and drawn for 12 year old girls who don't know any better. Reading all this was one of the worst decisions of my life.
>too dumb to understand children's picture books
The absolute state of "film" fans.
I stopped reading comic books in the late 90's when they started turning from fun escapist fantasy into grim dark super serious multi universe takes 200 different comic books to read arc shit. At least GoTG knows that comic books are supposed to be dumb escapist fantasies. They're supposed to be just fun. These movies are a throw back to the silver and bronze age of comics.
The movie, music video, or the Hasselhoff singing?
Cape comics aren't written as self parodies . They are stupid but written seriously
As a comics reader, the big 2 mostly only their throw out shit, it's always about finding that diamond in the rough, especially these days. But man, you picked some of the worst you could (except Secret Wars, it was decent)
The industry is fucked on a conceptual level (as far as capes go at least)
your problem was having read shit comics. slik, spider-gwe and spider-verse are all sub-par at best. Spider-verse in particular, written by Slott, is a mess.
There are great cape comics out there, you just happened to buy shitty comics.
Whoa. Baby needs his night-night.