When did Dreamworks start sucking hard?
When did Dreamworks start sucking hard?
When the leftist decided it was time to push their agenda onto the American public.
kill yourself brainlet Sup Forumsnigger scum
well it didn't take long to trigger a liberal faggot. Fuck off kike
kill yourself brainlet Sup Forumsnigger scum
I really, really, REALLY want her to sit on my face like that.
>spot the broken record
found it
kill yourself brainlet Sup Forumsnigger scum
kill yourself brainlet Sup Forumsnigger scum
When Shrek was released
I want her to suck me hard if you know what I'm saying
Even when I was a kid, I know. I knew how great those tchicc thighs are.
If they made a live-action movie who would play Chel?
Ana de Armas
Maybe Rose Monroe
Ariel winters could've but she got fat and ugly and had her boobs shrunk.
Chel probably died not long after the end of the film from some trivial illness caught through contact with the Spaniards.
When Shrek made 8x its budget with less effort required. 3D is a lot simpler considering you don't even need to change a character's costume during a film. That's one job then you just do the fine work of animating the model which will always stay the right size and shape and can be moved on a 3d plane so it's always in perspective, and lighting works automatically when set up so no extra work on crafting shadows
but not from Tulio and Miguel?
I just realize that this movie couldn't be made today without suffering a huge backlash. It's too 'problematic'.
u mad?
>"ugh, look at all these libcuck soyboys"
yes, a dick overdose
When have they ever done anything but?
Keep this up.
can't. got warned by Sup Forumstard mod
I do like how even the porky old geezer in the black hat's too ashamed to be seen with them.
>image search
>it's antifa
I swear those two guys were fags because they didn't want to fuck the hot indian girl.
Totally, it's because the mod is a Sup Forumstard, not because you're a spastic.
he's probably posting in hald dozen thread at the same time the same words
tulio hit it
>t. Sup Forumstard
go cry about "leftists" some more you fucking vermin
CGI was a mistake
the watermelon woman
Is this image real?
Repeat the same post some more and cry about how the evil nazi mods are stopping you because you're insulting muh Sup Forums and not because you're a dumb spamfag.
Jesus this is making me diamonds! MOAR!!
yeh cos antifa wear nazi badges and fly dont tread on me flags. fuck off polnigger
damn I thought this was one of those photoshopped images where they warp shit so that the center of a selected area that is most often a circle becomes enlarged and stretched
kind of a clunky way to describe it but you get the idea
>elbow pads
Isabella Moner
>iron cross is a nazi badge
lol nah senpai as well nazi's don't fly the Gadsden so what's your point?
kill yourself brainlet Sup Forumsnigger scum?
If you ain't mirin big boi kingpin in the front i need you get off my board
>google search still calls them antifa
Google knows the antifa look.
That would be the one you kept spamming in this thread before crying about how the evil nazi mods were stopping you, yes.
by how you love using nigger, maybe you should post on /pol.
who am I kidding, you'r probably posting on /pol righ now
kill yourself brainlet Sup Forumsnigger scum?
Do you guys actually enjoy interacting like this?
you are here with us also
no i hate it. that's why i want Sup Forums to be banned and stopped from crying about "leftists" in every thread
I'm trying to find her, but can't. That half-asian half-latina looking girl. Short. From old video where she only has pants on, and the guy doing what he must through a teared hole in the pants.
>i want [thing I don't like] to be banned
The quintessential scum sucking rebbitor libshart post.
I enjoy laughing at seething autistic rage such as
When did Disney stop drawing, I quote, pretty sexy little girls?
So? That doesn't mean I like how repetitive and stupid this place is most of the time
I don't think you're going to succeed
you are not alone comrade
Why do leftist/tankie/commie/libs always have to shit up every fucking thread?
Does it legitimately make you laugh?
Cause I know you're just continuing the chain of that conversation with your comment, but I'm curious about whether you get any real enjoyment out of it.
Trolls trolling trolls doesn't produce much actual "seething autistic rage" although participating in it is definitely an autistic behavior
>t. site-ruining Sup Forumstard faggots
>literally the first post in thread is some buttmad alt-right faggot complaining about muh leftist
nazis BTFO
>Does it legitimately make you laugh?
and the spammer is the second comment also the one doing the most bumps, what's your point?
Fuck off tankie. Dont you have a plane to jump out of?
even from the way you type it's obvious that's not true
ummm sweetie, the only people 'ruining' this place are assmad leftards like you. They're like a dozen prominent and heavily moderated and censored social media sites, go cry on those honey.
Am I supposed to believe spaniards are white?
t. virgins
Can't you tell it isn't real? These posts that I quoted are not real people talking. I could call you autistic again and say that you don't understand social cues, but I think you do recognize on some level that your not getting honest responses. And that leaves me wondering where the fun in it is. It seems like the most empty and meaningless form of social interaction possible. You must be lonely.
t. 56%
Imagine that coming out now.
>iron cross
>no tready plz!!! Flag
>american flag
Nice try polbaby. Look at it, that’s you!
>These posts that I quoted are not real people talking
Sounds like you've gone a bit mental tbqh.
Fuck off reddit cuck. All the major boards on Sup Forums are Sup Forums boards. Deal with it.
Whatever turns you on sweeties
Antifa doesn’t either.
Not even Spaniards believe they're completely white.
They all know some natives from the Americas and moors are in their bloodline at some point.
>called a virgin
>posts anime girl in response
lmfao, can't make this shit up
Sup Forums is like tumblr sjw’s on twitter: a loud obnoxious minority.
Nicki Minaj
Mhm but Nazi's don't.
The Moors are descendants of Indo Europeans who were Aryans.
>natives from america
>in the bloodline of european spaniards
is this the famous american education i hear about?
he's right
>gets triggered as heck by said anime girls
Nah anti-Sup Forums are the loud obnoxious minority to be honest.
All strawpolls have proven this to be true.
>posting anime while trying to be intimidating
How fat a virgin are you
stop blackwashing latin american history
I mean that they're talking through surface-level stereotypes and memes and are not being honest or creative with their responses.
haha yep that's it