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Seriously, will they ever stop?
When will the bubble burst?
Get this through your head. These will never stop until people don't want to watch them anymore. People want to watch them. They want to spend money on them. Don't like it? Too fucking bad. This is the world you now live in. The nerds fucking won. Go complain on
MCU is fucking unstoppable. Thor Ragnarok is going to outgross JUST League by $300 million
When they stop making billions of them.
The moment 2 movies fail in row its over.
NFL Superpro movie when?
when audiences get smart
so never
3, 2 is a coincidence, 3 is a pattern.
What’s their end game? Who’s the big bad?
I think it depends on what flops. If black panther flops no one will give a shit but if a big team up flops its game over
When you stop giving them your parents money soyboy
tfw to intelligent
Audiences have stopped going to the movies and are already getting tired of formula Marvel movies.
Disney is in for a wake up call when box office sales start to go down.
when do you think will the moviegoer have enough of super hero movies?
evidence of this statement does not exist.
burden of proof is on you
In talks
>Avengers Academy
>Young Avengers
Interest will probably dwindle after Infinity War.
Yeah, no one is going to give a shit after infinity war lol
MCU this year
Thor: Ragnarok
>$791,520,402 (still in theaters too)
Spider-Man: Homecoming
> $880,163,937
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
I've only watched 4.
I'm not playing catchup and I'm not watching a new entry in a movie series without watching the previous ones, even if I'm told they're 'stand-alone' or whatnot.
The Marvel comics almost went bankrup in the early 2000s. It was quick as fuck too. Same thing might happened with the movies. It only takes 2 bad movies in a row to lose your audience and the shared universe makes it harder and harder to just "jump in".
When the bubble will burst, it will burst HARD.
A Miles Morales Spider-Man movie is gonna be one of them. You heard it here first.
But actual Spidey is just a kid starting out in the movies now.
I wish they would drop the Morales angle (his character is shit) and go Spidey 2099 with Miguel O'Hara instead. That universe and character have a lot more potential than Miles.
And then Disney buys another struggling media company and starts all over again.
Probably. Infinity war is the culmination of almost eight years of movies. What else can they do?
they made only comedy movies the only genre that doesn't get off trendy.
Currently they have Peter but Feigi talked about 20 more movies & this will take years. Holland's Spider-Man will grow up (or die) & then they'll go for Miles. Many fans want Miles so I think they'll go for him, some of them already wanted Miles instead of Peter in the mcu, so I guess they know that & that's why we already had a mention of Miles in Homecoming.
I guess a movie Miles could be the chance to give him an actual character and good stories. Oh, wait, they already gave Pete the only good Miles storylines and supporting characters in Homecoming...
Don’t watch them then
Look at 2017 box office. 70% of movies that made money are capeshit.
With the kind of money they're making? You'd better believe they're going to squeeze every fucking penny they can out of it.
When the target audience (Millennials) gets tired of it. These movies are targeted towards that generation, and in fact a lot of media is. That's why you keep seeing remakes and reboots of shit that 90s kids grew up watching.
I would say slowly over the course of the next ten years you'll start to see less and less capeshit being made as Millennials start to have kids entering high school and college, or begin to start having kids if they don't already.
Chorem, briguem, discutam e sejam fanboys o quanto quiserem. Mas a Marvel arregaçou na criação desse universo dela. Tem os seus tropeços, mas olha o elenco que ela montou. Eu que gosto de HQs em geral, sem essa baboseira de ficar com guerrinha, só queria que a DC conseguisse algo pelo menos próximo disso aí.
I wonder what people in the future are going to say when they look back at this period and see capeshit after capeshit after capeshit.
melhor universo e maior filmes de super-herois de todos os tempos
>I was born in the wrong generation
poderia ter uma piada assim... alguém poderia olhar todo mundo reunido e dizer... "agora sim, vai dar liga".
Whats the point of making 800 if the movie with the publicity already costs that?
That is one ugly language.
Nobody will watch them just like nobody watches old 30s film serials today
Dont speak fabelinho here
Maybe that's why they're so keen to buy shit from Fox, to get Dr Doom, and other cosmic shit.
Hasieran, esan beharra dago lehenik ikusi ez bazenuen, ez zenuke ulertuko bigarrenaren zatirik handiena.
GOD fucking DAMNIT.
I just want my true to the comic books Spider-Man movie with the original Green Goblin as the nemesis. Green skin suit, purple hat and all. Make a fucking trilogy about it even. Every fucking Spider-Man video game has been leaving Green Goblin eastereggs since forever. God I hope it comes in my lifetime. Realistically I've got 40-50 years left.
The future is bleak after all the nuclear wars so I guess they will treasure MCU catalogue and watch it as a reminder of the perfect form of entertainment.
Blame Sony
While the comedian laughs, the same can not be said about Wahlberg and Gibson. To begin with, Dusty is not as funny as in the first movie - where he could literally make everything almost like a hero. More vulnerable, he is lost in the creation of his new wife's daughter, and the character loses strength and draws fewer smiles when he is away from Brad.
I'm willing to wager the only people who watch these piece of shit movies are 3rd world subhumans
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Only universe where I see a modern purple/green Goblin is one where Disney Channel starts making live-action shows about Marvel characters in the style of Hannah Montana/Nick Sitcoms. I would give that 10 to 20 years.
>Thor didn't even get above 800 million
And people don't think capeshit fatigue is real? It was like the most shilled movie of 2017 and this is all that amounted to?
You're on the wrong website faggot
Can not even create a macho / misogynist character without falling into the patrol of the SJW ?? It's just a movie !! Good times of the where there were no such annoyances on duty !!
I'm curious to see what the comic book movie landscape looks like post-Infinity. I'm of the mind that audiences will taper off once the grand finale happens. It will be very difficult to recapture that lightning in a bottle that was the original MCU run up to Thanos.
Or maybe they'll do it again. shrug
Yeah i definitely think the general audience doesn't really know or care that there actually is an endgame.
Sadly this.
And zero actual plots. I'm tired of these inane, boring, two hour action sequences full of CGI.
Wonder Woman was garbage, and it had so much potential to be a great, groundbreaking film.
There's a reason big directors and stars and writers went back to TV. These comic book movies are ruining the film industry with garbage 12 year old movies.
That's great you have 100 shitty money makers lined up Marvel, if you only had one decent story or writer I might care.
Black Panther will break 1B
No it won't because it's got niggers in it and everybody hates niggers, no movie with niggers ever made no money, now go play your banjo Billy-Bob.
Super hero movies are now a genre.Deal with it.
>I'm of the mind that audiences will taper off once the grand finale happens
Does this franchise even feel like it's building toward anything to the general public? It certainly doesn't seem that way to me. It feels like an old tv drama that technically has an overarching plot, but has constant murder-of-the-week style diversions that mostly make you forget anything else is even going on.
Any day now.
Nigger are you high? Niggers love nigger led movies, see fucking Tyler Perry for example. Even if the nigs don't see it the fucking soyboys will because "muh first black superhero" meme.
Which is a bullshit meme cause Blade was the shit.
Thor hasn't even been in theaters for a month
Homecoming feels like Sony was still niggering around fucking up the movie. The full brown cast was definitely Disney. But it still seems like a 50% Sony made Spider-Man film.
Marvels audience is attached to the main actors and the main characters.
At first I thought it could be enough for Marvel to falter when they recast Iron Man and Captain America or more likely write them out of the movies completely but I don't think that will be enough when Cucumberbutch, random nig and Allison Brie tier actors are actually keeping the casuals baited.
>Spider-man 2
>Gotg 3
>Dr.Strange 2
>power pack
>Ant-man 3
>Captain marvel 2
>Spider-man 3
>Black Panther 2
>Avengers 5
>Nova 2
>Power Pack 2
>Dr.strange 3
>Rocket and Groot
>Captain Marvel 3
>Black Panther 3
>Spider-man 4
>Avengers 6
Its easy when they're mostly sequels.
Excuses, excuses.
So is the MCU ever bringing back Blade?
Netflix will probably make a Blade series.
Jim Cameron will stop them
When's Avatar 2 coming out again?
There was a "big build up" to Civil War, there's probably one for this one too. The general public thinks whatever Disney wants them to think.
Only 1118 days.
You'll burst
So we'll get to Phase 4 first.
>dcucks being 2 digits is real
People complain so much about marvel like its a bad a thing, i grew up reading that shit and when they started making films (pre MCU) they sucked and everyone craved for a shared universe, then they made iron man and the rest is history, people dont think about it but making a shared universe trough films is something that has never been done before in this scale is amazing and you can see the universe expand every years is like something organic, i wish we could have more than 3 marvel flicks per years because there s so much to do, also people complaint about the plot of this movies because nothing really risky happens and i think is true but its a nice thing, when people think about comics they go directly to the bigger arcs and stories but comics are mostly stories where they fight the weekly villain and thats it, thats what i like about comics the story doesnt need to be big everytime, thats where DC failed trying to make each movie significative, but let me break it for you, not every comic is the dark knight returns or the killing joke, you need to relax with these movies, like Marvel did, im happy of what we got and im grateful of the consistent quality, i wish a future where we could see a marvel film every month so you can lose track of the universe and get lost in it just like the comics where you cant never know enough
His name is James Cameron, the bravest pioneer~
Considering capeshit movies are singlehandedly keeping Hollywood afloat we should be happy because this means more other movies tbqhwy
But Sup Forums told me capeshit means no other movies get made and that they're killing Hollywood.
Well I was talking out of my ass but I guarantee Sup Forums was too so who fucking knows anymore
>GotG 3
>Ant-man 3
>Spider-man 2 3
>Strange 2 3
>Wuz 2 3
>Captain Marvel 2 3
>Avengers 5 6
That's 12. What could the other 8 be?
>absolute state of tv
WeW Lad