Why the fuck was this piece of shit praised so much?
Why the fuck was this piece of shit praised so much?
fun XD
Because it was awesome. srry u have bad ttaste
It's a Disney movie
It's a Chad movie
for a 2hour film the time on the gladiator planet was considerably short lived, and he learned nothing about himself during the arc.
jews jewing over the multy culty and the nigger lesbian
I pay for hollywood films to be entertaining, it was.
When I want kino I go to foreign film festivals.
>another thor is arrogant and then must start from zero to learn humility movie
no thanks thor has been around for years now it was time to see him actually do shit
also doesnt he learn not to rely on his hammer for strength??
>also doesnt he learn not to rely on his hammer for strength??
at the end and only because he got spoonfed by ghost dad
more like middle when he fought hulk
I figured that would be chalked as a sperg moment
quips: the movie
Fun fun fun
Soo much this.
Cry whatever you want,but people dont go to the cinema to think...They want to have fun and forget his own problems for a while
>hey let me check out whats going on asgore
>oh wow two skeleton dudes attacked the black dude
>also he just destroyed them
there was zero threat. whats her face walked around asgore for like two hours. AFTER killing thors friends.
like did anyone feel like there was any tension? it was just constant motion for no reason. We never even got to see Thor's reaction to the death of his friends.
Would have been good to build it up like hes going to save his buddies before they die but then hulk breaks his ship.
horrible movie.
>Thor's reaction to the death of his friends
He barely reacted to anything in the entire movie. He just brushed everything over especially after finding out that Loki was alive and when he lost his hammer.
He kinda had something to deal with.
Because it was entertaining. Unlike the crap you pseuds pretend to enjoy.
Because Asgard is a pretty place
The scope of the action is wide and ample
Brought back Hulk to popularity (since he's a pretty major character in the movie)
I just thought it was a little short...hoped to see more gladiator fights and longer final battle
It 100% felt like it was pandering to poojeets
it's disney what do you expect?
You can't give THE Mouse bad reviews.
That's a death sentence.
Because DC reminded us that capeshit can be much, much worse
I do not understand the type of person who dislikes Thor for not being serious enough.
Really, you went to see a movie about the cartoon character version of Thor fighting aliens expecting something moody and profound? Get the fuck out of here. This was Marvel's funniest, FUNNEST, and arguably best movie to date.
Skurge was cool, Kiwi rock monster was cool, Cate was FINE, the hulk fight was awesome.
Because it was [pop]corny and fun. Stop trying to find Tarkovski in a comic book movie.
the soundtrack is GOAT
not sure if this post is ironic or serious
Because it was a comedy movie with action elements instead of an action movie with comedy elements like every other Marvel movie
>there was zero threat.
Good thing that wasn't the point of the movie, it's just a comedy and it's a breath of fresh air compared to 99% of Marvel's other shitty movies.
>You can't give THE Mouse bad reviews.
But they get tons of bad reviews, otherwise all their films would have 100% on RT.
How did they manage to make an even cringier movie than Spiderman Homecoming?
Sup Forums only likes it because their RLM overlord Jay praised it.
GotG aside
>Marvel movies never have any stakes!!
-Odin Dies
-Thor loses his eye
-Thor loses his Hammer
-Asgardian people reduced by presumably tens of thousands, the final hundred must go on a space voyage to Earth
>B-but there was no threat!
-Goddess of Death
-Evil Slavemaster with mind control discs
-Apocalypse bringing demon
-Wolf the size of 6 schoolbusses
>Ugh, you win. MCU is amazing.
Knew it.
22 fucking movies and you all retards still asking the same question?
Did literally ANYONE complain that it wasn't serious enough? I don't think that was the problem here
Didnt they quip and beat the bad guy in the end?
Mommy Blanchett didn’t have enough scenes.
They didn't beat the bad guy. They turned one bad guy against the other bad guy and got the fuck outta there.
I can't think of a scene with her I didn't like
Entrance telling them to kneel and breaking the hammer like a boss
Chasing after Thor and Loki through the portal
Ruthlessly murdering the Asgardians with style
The flashback fighting the Valkyries was the price of admission
Going through the treasure room
Fighting Thor at the end
One of the top CBM villains for me, even with the limited screen time
I have no idea, to be honest with you, its a trend with all disney/marvel crap.
For some reason they get praised all around when in reality its a bland unoriginal souless experience.
You better off buying pizzas with that money and having a roastie over for a napoleon dynamite rewatch.
so you agree its not the concept of the stakes but their execution?
I cant lie when I see these films and know there is zero anxiety or danger to the character. I was more on the edge of my seat when I watched Dumb and Dumber again last night desu
Why is this acceptable? People complained that neo-Superman was too dark, but Thor being turned into a straight-up comedy is fair game? How many Thor comics are intentionally funny?
Because it was good? Not every movie has to be some bullshit stuck-up art piece to be enjoyable.
Capeshit is like a rollercoaster. It's enjoyable the first time and doesn't have much replay value, but it's a fun ride more than a thematic masterpiece.
I loved this bad bitch so much. Best villain.
nobody cares about the comics, 99% of the audience for these movies hasn't read them.
t. soyboy
Why would you imply that I agreed? That's a reddit tier debate tactic faggot.
>Why would you imply that I agreed?
I asked a question, hence by the question mark.
Then why are people complaining about batman and superman killing people too much?
No, you phrased it in the most faggoty estrogren-laced way possible.
"So you agree ___?"
It's on the same tier as
"Do you even realize that ____?"
Fag. Go suck your dad's dick for even attempting such a shitty thing.
good guys in movies tend not to be murderers.
Looks like you haven't seen the movie, friend.
yes, the question mark poses the question to you, which you then answer. this is calle a social interaction. your sperging out here is embarrassing.
What about my original post implied that I even came close to agreeing that "its not the concept of the stakes, but the excecution". My post pretty explicitly said the opposite.
And yet you tossed in "So you agree [insert position I clearly don't agree with]"
Either you are fucking retarded or you are a reddit tier faggot. That is all.
yes and the key thing about that post was the question mark at the end. do you not understand?
is this your level or argument, muh reddit or muh retard? ignoring your obvious reddit spacing :-)
Literally no question mark faggot. Fact of the matter is that you tried to engage me in an extremely transparently estroboy manner. Let alone that you are wrong with your original point.
But muh reddit spaacing. Get a grip and get your Dad's dick out of your ass.
>Literally no question mark faggot.
looks like theres one to me.
Lol what?? Good guys in action movies literally blow through ppl
Not him but you got outed with your reddit spacing. Don't cry wolf now
Not even really a question mark if you weren't honestly trying to ask a question. Turns out you were just being a little jew.
well the question mark was there, user. why did it send you into a mental breakdown?
Funny and quirky xD
good goys